William Sheehan, PT, DPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Sports Medicine Therapy

Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: All Ages

I work with a vari­ety of patient pop­u­la­tions includ­ing pedi­atric, sports med­i­cine, ortho­pe­dic, Medicare, joint replace­ments, gait and bal­ance train­ing cas­es. I uti­lize man­u­al ther­a­py tech­niques and func­tion­al exer­cise to work towards patient cen­tered goals. My goal is to make exer­cise and rehab mean­ing­ful, fun and engag­ing to each patient and pro­mote pos­i­tive and healthy lifestyle changes.


Professional Certifications
Certified Athletic Trainer
Clinical Interests

I work with a vari­ety of patient pop­u­la­tions includ­ing pedi­atric, sports med­i­cine, ortho­pe­dic, Medicare, joint replace­ments, gait and bal­ance train­ing cas­es. I have expe­ri­ence work­ing with the Mil­wau­kee Brew­ers Pro­fes­sion­al Base­ball Club and Mar­quette Uni­ver­si­ty Divi­sion I Athletics.

Personal Interests

In my free time, I enjoy spend­ing time with my wife and 2 girls. I also enjoy run­ning, cycling, brew­ing beer and cook­ing with my sous vide and smoker.

Marquette University Graduation Date: 2013 Degree: BS
Marquette University Graduation Date: 2015 Degree: DPT


Athletic Training & Balance Activities, Body Mechanics, Closed Kinetic Chain Rehab, Core Stabilization, Electrical Stimulation, Flexibility Training, Functionally based rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Joint Mobilization, Joint Protection, Manual Therapy, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Mechanical Traction, Neural Tension Release, Plyometrics, Proprioceptive, Taping Techniques, Therapeutic Exercises, Ultrasound


Spine Disorders