Amy Stevens, RDN, LRD

Obesity Medicine - Weight Loss Management

Practices In: Oak Brook
Patients Seen: All Ages

As a reg­is­tered dietit­ian, I offer indi­vid­u­al­ized nutri­tion­al care by get­ting to know my patients and learn­ing what is impor­tant to them. Togeth­er, strengths and weak­ness­es are iden­ti­fied and plans are mod­i­fied to help ensure goals are achieved. I’m hon­ored to get to know my patients and grate­ful to be part of their jour­ney towards bet­ter health.

Board Certifications
Registered Dietitian
Clinical Interests

I have a per­son­al inter­est in dia­betes man­age­ment and would like to become a Cer­ti­fied Dia­betes Edu­ca­tor through the Acad­e­my of Nutri­tion and Dietet­ics. The abil­i­ty to empow­er patients to con­trol their blood glu­cose lev­els through diet is an amaz­ing feeling.

Personal Interests

I love to vol­un­teer with ani­mal res­cues. I help through pro­vid­ing ani­mal trans­ports, vol­un­teer­ing at adop­tion events and fos­ter­ing (and fos­ter fail­ing). Phys­i­cal activ­i­ty is impor­tant to me and I enjoy run­ning, hot yoga and kick­box­ing. Also, a good book will keep me awake a lot longer than a TV show.

Rochester Institute of Technology Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: BS in Nutrition Management


Weight Management


Nutritional Counseling, Obesity, Weight Loss