Health Topics


Conditions & Diseases

What Are Oak Itch Mite Symptoms?


The begin­ning of this sum­mer saw the much-antic­i­pat­ed and dread­ed cica­da inva­sion,” an event where two dif­fer­ent types of cicadas — those that emerge every 13 years and those that emerge every 17 years — made their simul­ta­ne­ous appear­ance. While the buzz of cica­da wings and the sight of their emp­ty exoskele­tons has dimin­ished, the effects of this unique phe­nom­e­non are still being felt in Chica­go and its sur­round­ing suburbs.

Lifestyle & Wellness

Conditions & Diseases

Conditions & Diseases

What Are Oak Itch Mite Symptoms?


The begin­ning of this sum­mer saw the much-antic­i­pat­ed and dread­ed cica­da inva­sion,” an event where two dif­fer­ent types of cicadas — those that emerge every 13 years and those that emerge every 17 years — made their simul­ta­ne­ous appear­ance. While the buzz of cica­da wings and the sight of their emp­ty exoskele­tons has dimin­ished, the effects of this unique phe­nom­e­non are still being felt in Chica­go and its sur­round­ing suburbs.

Behavioral & Mental Health

Men's Health