Karla Cortez Duda, PT, DPT, OCS

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Sports Medicine Therapy

Practices In: Addison
Patients Seen: All Ages

I strive for the deliv­ery of high qual­i­ty phys­i­cal ther­a­py care and cus­tomer ser­vice. I believe that lis­ten­ing to each patient and treat­ing their unique needs are ulti­mate­ly what helps them achieve the best out­comes. While my ini­tial focus may be cor­rect­ing bio-mechan­i­cal dys­func­tion and treat­ing the pathol­o­gy at hand, I strong­ly believe in patient edu­ca­tion to min­i­mize the risk of re-injury, pro­mote self man­age­ment, and main­tain a healthy lifestyle.


location icon


1034 N. Rohlwing Rd.

Addison, Illinois 60101


(General Physical Therapy)


(Physical & Occupational Therapy)


(Sports Medicine Therapy)
Board Certifications
Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist
English, Spanish
Awards & Accolades
5 Star Physical Therapist - Chicago Magazine 2015
Clinical Interests

I am a Board Cer­ti­fied Ortho­pe­dic Clin­i­cal Spe­cial­ist, and enjoy treat­ing an array of ortho­pe­dic injuries. I am espe­cial­ly inter­est­ed in dys­func­tions of the shoul­der and upper spine, low­er spine, knee and ankle. I enjoy treat­ing the injured ath­lete, with a spe­cif­ic inter­est in the treat­ment of run­ner’s and dancer’s injuries. I am most pas­sion­ate about help­ing my patients improve their abil­i­ty to exer­cise at any capac­i­ty they feel com­fort­able with, to improve their over­all phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al well being.

Personal Interests

I enjoy find­ing fun ways to main­tain a healthy lifestyle. I like strength train­ing, run­ning, yoga, danc­ing, read­ing, and find­ing rest­ful down time. I’m a firm believ­er that food is med­i­cine, and enjoy cook­ing clean meals that heal the body from the inside out. I’m an active mem­ber at my Church, and an ordained Elder and Dea­con. I enjoy all Chica­go sports teams, and love time with my hus­band and young children.

APTA - Credentialed Clinical Instructor


Body Mechanics, Ergonomics, Functionally-based Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Joint Mobilization, Manual Therapy, Plyometrics, Therapeutic Exercises


General Musculoskeletal Disorders/Injuries