UltraShape® Fat Reduction

Are you both­ered by a muf­fin top or cer­tain areas that no mat­ter how hard you exer­cise and eat right, the fat just does­n’t go away? Con­sid­er the new Ultra­Shape® body sculpt­ing for those trou­ble spots to melt the fat away!

Ultra­Shape® is the first and only non-inva­sive body sculpt­ing treat­ment to use pulsed, focused ultra­sound to imme­di­ate­ly destroy fat cells. Ultra­Shape is a FDA-cleared, non-inva­sive body con­tour­ing treat­ment that reduces fat cells with lit­tle to no pain or down­time. Ultra­Shape® works by emit­ting ultra­son­ic waves to elim­i­nate fat almost instantly. 

Ultra­Shape® is a com­fort­able treat­ment with­out heat, cold or dis­com­fort, Ultra­Shape® effec­tive­ly tar­gets your spe­cif­ic prob­lem areas, Ultra­Shape® treat­ments are designed to help aver­age to over­weight men and women acquire an improved body shape and contour. 

Treat­ment is gen­er­al­ly focused on the abdomen, thighs (sad­dle bags) and flanks (love handles). 

Clin­i­cal results show that in three treat­ments, patients see an aver­age of 4 cm reduc­tion in cir­cum­fer­ence. A three treat­ment reg­i­men is rec­om­mend­ed to achieve max­i­mum results.

Ultra­Shape® is cur­rent­ly offered only at our office in Hinsdale. 

Click here [https://​can​de​lamed​ical​.com/int…] to read more about Ultra­Shape®, or watch Drs. Alix Charles and Stephanie Gan fur­ther dis­cuss the anti-aging and body con­tour­ing ben­e­fits of the Ultra­Shape® treat­ment, as well as the Pro­found® Sys­tem, in a vir­tu­al event. Click here to watch the video! [https://​www​.youtube​.com/​watch?…]

Before & After


This female patient received 3 treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart with in our Hinsdale office. Following the UltraShape guidelines of clean, healthy eating and exercising regularly, this patient has lost over 2 1/2 inches in circumference.

*Individual results may vary.