NO PUR­CHASE NEC­ES­SARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The Duly Health and Care #Flour­ish­in­gLook­sLike Pro­mo­tion (“Give­away”) begins 8:00 a.m. Cen­tral Time (CT) on Novem­ber 29, 2022 and ends at 11:59 p.m. CT on Decem­ber 5, 2022 (the​“Give­away Peri­od”). The Give­away is spon­sored by Duly Health and Care, 1100 W. 31st Street, 3rd Floor, Down­ers Grove, IL 60515 (“Spon­sor”). All fed­er­al, state and local laws apply. Void where prohibited.

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty: The Give­away is open to legal Unit­ed States res­i­dents liv­ing in Illi­nois, Indi­ana or Wis­con­sin who are age 18 or old­er or the age of major­i­ty in their juris­dic­tion of res­i­dence, and who have a valid Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn or Insta­gram Account. 

To Enter: To enter the Give­away, fol­low these steps: (1) Select a 501c3, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion locat­ed in Illi­nois, Indi­ana or Wis­con­sin that you would like to enter (2) pub­licly post a pho­to to either Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, or Insta­gram (3) add a cap­tion to the pho­to post that states what Flour­ish­ing Looks Like at your nom­i­nat­ed 501c3 orga­ni­za­tion and include the two hash­tags as fol­lows: #Flour­ish­in­gLook­sLike and #give­awayen­try. By post­ing a pho­to with both hash­tags, you will receive one (1) entry into the Giveaway. 

Lim­it one (1) entry per per­son per non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion. Any attempts to exceed the max­i­mum num­ber of entries by cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple accounts is pro­hib­it­ed, and may result in all such entries being void. Entrants’ posts will be dis­qual­i­fied if they are inap­pro­pri­ate or con­tain mate­r­i­al that vio­lates or infringes anoth­er’s rights, or dis­par­ages Spon­sor or any oth­er per­son or par­ty affil­i­at­ed with the Give­away, or con­tains mate­r­i­al that is unlaw­ful in any way. Entries also can­not con­tain any third par­ty names or logos, or copy­right­ed works of oth­ers with­out the own­er’s con­sent. Entries that do not com­ply with these require­ments may be deemed inel­i­gi­ble and may be dis­qual­i­fied. All deci­sions regard­ing entries will be made by Spon­sor in its sole dis­cre­tion. To be valid, entries must com­ply with the require­ments imposed in these Offi­cial Rules. 

All pri­vate Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, or Insta­gram accounts must be made pub­lic dur­ing the Give­away Peri­od, to be eli­gi­ble to win. 

Spon­sor is not respon­si­ble for lost, late, incom­plete, incor­rect, dam­aged, or mis­di­rect­ed entries or prize claims for this Give­away. Spon­sor is fur­ther not respon­si­ble for prob­lems of any kind in con­nec­tion with the Give­away, whether mechan­i­cal, elec­tron­ic, or human. Any attempt to make more than the stat­ed num­ber of entries by using mul­ti­ple accounts or by any oth­er method may void all entries from that participant.

If you par­tic­i­pate in this Give­away via your wire­less phone, mes­sage and data rates may apply. Please con­sult your ser­vice provider regard­ing its mes­sage and data pric­ing plans. All Terms and Con­di­tions of Face­book, Insta­gram LinkedIn, and Twit­ter also apply to this Giveaway.

In the event of a dis­pute regard­ing who sub­mit­ted an entry, the entry will be deemed sub­mit­ted by the autho­rized account hold­er of the email address for the Face­book, Insta­gram, LinkedIn, or Twit­ter account spec­i­fied in the entry.​“Autho­rized account hold­er” is defined as the nat­ur­al per­son who is assigned to an email address by an Inter­net access provider, online ser­vice provider, or oth­er orga­ni­za­tion (e.g., busi­ness, edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion, etc.) that is respon­si­ble for assign­ing email address­es for the asso­ci­at­ed domain. 

Prizes/​Selection: On/​about Decem­ber 8, 2022, five (5) win­ners will be select­ed by the Spon­sor com­mit­tee from among all eli­gi­ble entries received dur­ing the Give­away peri­od. Each win­ner will have a $1,000 dona­tion made on their behalf direct­ly to their nom­i­nat­ed 501c3 orga­ni­za­tion. Total approx­i­mate retail val­ue (ARV) of all dona­tions is $5,000.

Odds of win­ning will depend on the total num­ber of eli­gi­ble entries received. All tax­es on prizes, if applic­a­ble, are the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty of the respec­tive winners. 

Con­di­tions: Win­ners will be con­tact­ed by Face­book, Insta­gram, LinkedIn or Twit­ter Direct Mes­sage, and will have sev­en (7) days to con­tact Spon­sor to claim the prize, or an alter­nate win­ner may be select­ed. No sub­sti­tu­tion or exchange of prize will be allowed, except at the sole dis­cre­tion of Sponsor. 

Win­ners may be required to ver­i­fy con­tact infor­ma­tion and com­plete an affi­davit of eli­gi­bil­i­ty, waiv­er of lia­bil­i­ty and pub­lic­i­ty release, for the entrant and the minor child shown in the entry. These doc­u­ments must be returned with­in the time spec­i­fied or prize award will be void and an alter­nate win­ner may be select­ed from remain­ing eli­gi­ble entrants. 

By enter­ing, entrant gives Spon­sor and its agents per­mis­sion to retweet or repost entries con­tain­ing per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion, unless oth­er­wise pro­hib­it­ed by law. By par­tic­i­pat­ing, win­ner con­sents to use of name, address and like­ness for adver­tis­ing, pro­mo­tion­al and pub­lic­i­ty pur­pos­es with­out addi­tion­al com­pen­sa­tion, except where pro­hib­it­ed by law. All entries become the prop­er­ty of Spon­sor and will not be returned. All deci­sions of Spon­sor are final and bind­ing on all mat­ters relat­ing to the Give­away. By enter­ing, par­tic­i­pants agree to be bound by the Offi­cial Rules, and release Spon­sor, Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, and their par­ents com­pa­nies, agents and their respec­tive par­ent com­pa­nies, sub­sidiaries and affil­i­ates, and each of their respec­tive offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees and agents from any and all lia­bil­i­ty, loss, or dam­age aris­ing out of their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Give­away and/​or with respect to the award­ing, receipt, pos­ses­sion, use and/​or mis­use of any prize. Spon­sor reserves the right, in its sole dis­cre­tion, to can­cel the Give­away, sus­pend the Give­away or change any ele­ment there­of, includ­ing these Offi­cial Rules, with or with­out notice, at any time. 

Dis­putes: Entrants agree that (a) any and all dis­putes, claims and caus­es of action aris­ing out of, or con­nect­ed with, the Give­away or any prize award­ed shall be resolved indi­vid­u­al­ly, with­out resort to any form of class action, and exclu­sive­ly by the appro­pri­ate court locat­ed in DuPage Coun­ty, Illi­nois; (b) any and all claims, judg­ments, and awards shall be lim­it­ed to actu­al out-of-pock­­et costs incurred, includ­ing costs asso­ci­at­ed with enter­ing this Give­away, but in no event attor­neys’ fees; and © under no cir­cum­stances will Entrant be per­mit­ted to obtain awards for, and Entrant here­by waives all rights to, claim puni­tive, inci­den­tal and con­se­quen­tial dam­ages and any oth­er dam­ages, oth­er than out-of-pock­­et expens­es, and any and all rights to have dam­ages mul­ti­plied or oth­er­wise increased. SOME JURIS­DIC­TIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIM­I­TA­TIONS OR EXCLU­SION OF LIA­BIL­I­TY FOR INCI­DEN­TAL OR CON­SE­QUEN­TIAL DAM­AGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. All issues and ques­tions con­cern­ing the con­struc­tion, valid­i­ty, inter­pre­ta­tion and enforce­abil­i­ty of these Offi­cial Rules, Entran­t’s rights and oblig­a­tions, or the rights and oblig­a­tions of the Spon­sor in con­nec­tion with the Give­away, shall be gov­erned by, and con­strued in accor­dance with, the laws of the Illi­nois, with­out giv­ing effect to any choice of law or con­flict of law rules (whether of Illi­nois or any oth­er juris­dic­tion), which would cause the appli­ca­tion of the laws of any juris­dic­tion oth­er than Illinois.

The Give­away is for gen­er­al mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al pur­pos­es only. It is not intend­ed or designed to influ­ence, encour­age or induce any per­son to seek med­ical ser­vices from Duly Health and Care or any of its affil­i­ates or subsidiaries.

This Give­away is in no way spon­sored, endorsed, admin­is­tered by or asso­ci­at­ed with Face­book, Insta­gram, LinkedIn, or Twitter. 

List of Win­ners: To obtain a legal­ly required list of win­ners, please send a self-addressed stamped enve­lope by Feb­ru­ary 1, 2023 to: Duly Health and Care #Flour­ish­in­gLook­sLike List of Win­ners, Attn: Mar­ket­ing, Duly Health and Care, 1100 W. 31st Street, 3rd Floor, Down­ers Grove, IL 60515.

Abbre­vi­at­ed Rules:

Please note: These are for use in any adver­tise­ment or pro­mo­tion of the give­away, where the post­ing of the full rules is not feasible.

No pur­chase nec­es­sary, void where pro­hib­it­ed. Starts 11/29/22, ends 12/5/22. Must be US res­i­dent 18 or old­er and res­i­dent of IL, IN or WI, with a Face­book, Insta­gram, LinkedIn, or Twit­ter account or email address. To enter, upload a pho­to nom­i­nat­ing a 501c3 orga­ni­za­tion to either Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, or Insta­gram, include the two hash­tags #Flour­ish­in­gLook­sLike and #Give­awayEn­try. Five (5) win­ners will have a $1,000 dona­tion made on their behalf to their nom­i­nat­ed 501c3 orga­ni­za­tion. Spon­sored by Duly Health and Care, 1100 W. 31st Street, 3rd Floor, Down­ers Grove, IL 60515. See full offi­cial rules at https://​www​.duly​healthand​care​.com/​o​f​f​i​c​i​a​l​— r​u​l​e​s​— f​o​r​— f​l​o​u​r​i​s​h​i​n​g​l​o​o​k​s​l​i​k​e​— s​o​c​i​a​l​— m​e​d​i​a​— c​a​m​paign.