Courtney Burland, PA-C

Bone Health Clinic

Practices In: Lombard, Naperville
Patients Seen: Adults

I believe that health care should always involve a dis­cus­sion between the patient and their provider. I enjoy inte­grat­ing edu­ca­tion about dis­ease process­es and pre­ven­tion into my patient encoun­ters, and include my patients in deci­sions regard­ing their care.

Board Certifications
National Osteoporosis Foundation Fracture Liaison Service Certification, Physician Assistant - NCCPA
Clinical Interests

Osteo­poro­sis, fall risk pre­ven­tion, pre­ven­tive care

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time out­doors includ­ing gar­den­ing and hiking.

American Academy of Physician Assistants Illinois Academy of Physician Assistants National Osteoporosis Foundation
North Central College Graduation Date: 2008 Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Exercise Science
Benedictine University Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Science
Rush University Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies


Fracture Prevention


Osteopenia, Osteoporosis