Aesthetic Services Financial Policy

Down­load the DMG Aes­thet­ics Finan­cial Policy

Care Cred­it

Thank you for choos­ing DMG Aes­thet­ics. Because our goal is to help you afford the pro­ce­dures you want and need with financ­ing that’s quick, easy and patient-friend­ly, we accept Care­Cred­it®. Care­Cred­it® is a cred­it card exclu­sive for health­care ser­vices. With Care­Cred­it®, there are zero inter­est pay­ment options avail­able. Ask your DMG Aes­thet­ics office to learn more or click here to apply.

Bril­liant Distinctions®

The providers of DMG Aes­thet­ics are pleased to work with Aller­gan and their Bril­liant Dis­tinc­tions® Pro­gram. The Bril­liant Dis­tinc­tions® Pro­gram allows you to earn points for each eli­gi­ble treat­ment you receive from your provider. These points are redeemable for Aller­gan® facial aes­thet­ic treat­ments and prod­ucts. For every 100 points you earn, you will receive a $10 coupon to come back to your DMG Aes­thet­ics provider to use towards your next BOTOX® Cos­met­ic, JUVÉ­DERM®, JUVÉ­DERM® Voluma or JUVÉ­DERM® XC Injectable Gel Filler. You can also apply your coupon(s) toward Latisse® and Skin­Med­ica® prod­ucts through Belleza Skin Care Insti­tute. Sign up today!