Aesthetic Services Rewards

Duly Aes­thet­ics Loy­al­ty Rewards Program

  • For each dol­lar spent on a prod­uct, you receive 2 points.
  • For each dol­lar spent on an esthet­ic treat­ment, receive 3 points.
  • Once you reach 2,500 points, you will receive a $50.00 gift card for your next spa service.

*Valid at Naperville and Wheaton only.

Allē by Allergan

Save on your favorite prod­ucts and treat­ments! Pro­fes­sion­al-grade skin­care. Facial injecta­bles. Cel­lulite treat­ments. And more! 

Get treat­ed with an Allē brand or anoth­er qual­i­fy­ing prod­uct or treat­ment — like BOTOX® Cos­met­ic, Dia­mond­Glow® or Skin­Med­ica® prod­ucts — and earn points in your Allē Wal­let. Every 100 points can be redeemed for $10 toward an Allē Brand prod­uct or treat­ment at Duly Aesthetics. 

Expe­ri­ence Allē and sign up

*Must be at least 18 years old to par­tic­i­pate. Must agree to the Terms and Con­di­tions from Alle. Alle is not owned or oper­at­ed by Duly Aesthetics. 

Swiss Rewards — A Neocur­tis Loy­al­ty Program

Earn and redeem points on qual­i­fy­ing Neo­cutis prod­ucts, view your points bal­ance, receive new prod­uct noti­fi­ca­tions, and more from your smartphone.

You can start earn­ing Neo­points as soon as you become a mem­ber. Down­load the free mobile app to your smart­phone — and through Carte Neo.

To earn points, we’ll scan a QR Code with your phone when you pur­chase them at a par­tic­i­pat­ing Duly Aes­thet­ics loca­tion. This will load your points direct­ly into your account — for use towards FREE Neo­cutis prod­ucts. Learn more here.

*Reward pro­gram valid at Hins­dale, Lom­bard, Naperville and Wheaton loca­tions only.