Group Diabetes Classes: Class Two

Group dia­betes class­es are for peo­ple with dia­betes who want to learn about and live well with dia­betes. These class­es are taught by cer­ti­fied dia­betes edu­ca­tor, dieti­tians. Please bring your blood glu­cose meter and log­book to classes.

Class 2 Overview:

  • Effects on car­bo­hy­drates, pro­tein and fat on blood sug­ar metabolism 
  • Car­bo­hy­drate count­ing and goals
  • Food labels, online tools, apps, books and oth­er resources
  • Bet­ter food choic­es and prop­er portions
  • Plate Method for plan­ning meals 
  • Meal plans for blood glu­cose con­trol and weight loss
  • Effect of alco­hol on diabetes
  • Heart healthy fat, fiber and pro­tein choices
  • Din­ing out tips

Ques­tions: Please send a MyChart mes­sage to your dia­betes educator/​dietitian if you questions.