
Insom­nia is a com­mon sleep dis­or­der that can cause issues with falling or stay­ing asleep or get­ting good qual­i­ty sleep. There are two main types of insom­nia, short-term and chron­ic. Short-term insom­nia only lasts for a few days or weeks. Chron­ic insom­nia is when you expe­ri­ence sleep­less­ness for more than three nights a week last­ing more than three months. Insom­nia can be caused by changes in your sched­ule or envi­ron­ment, stress, med­ica­tions, cer­tain med­ical con­di­tions, eat­ing late in the evening, con­sum­ing cer­tain foods/​substances, or too much screen time before bed. If left untreat­ed, short-term insom­nia may increase the risk of cer­tain health prob­lems or lead to work­place and road acci­dents. Chron­ic insom­nia rais­es your risk of high blood pres­sure, coro­nary heart dis­ease, dia­betes and cancer. 

Symp­toms of insom­nia include dif­fi­cul­ty falling asleep, wak­ing up through­out the night, irri­tabil­i­ty, depres­sion, anx­i­ety, exces­sive sleepi­ness, and decreased alert­ness. Insom­nia may be diag­nosed via a sleep test and treat­ment will be deter­mined by your health­care provider. This can include ther­a­py, med­i­cines to help you fall or stay asleep and healthy lifestyle changes.