Duly In The News

Back­Table, May 1, 2024

Dr. Amit Patel and Dr. Ranko Mio­ci­novic were recent­ly fea­tured on the Back­Table Urol­o­gy Pod­cast with Dr. Jose Sil­va. They dis­cussed focal ther­a­py for prostate can­cer and shared their expe­ri­ences with sev­er­al treat­ment options, includ­ing the NanoKnife Sys­tem. Drs. Patel and Mio­ci­novic were on Episode 30 titled Min­i­mal­ly Inva­sive Focal Ther­a­py for Prostate Can­cer”. It can be found here, or on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Pod­casts, and YouTube. 

Fox 32 Chica­go, August 8, 2023

Dr. Pen­ny Math­ews guides par­ents with a men­tal and phys­i­cal check­list for stu­dents head­ing back to school

CBS News, August 7, 2023

Dr. Alix Charles, chair­man of der­ma­tol­ogy at Duly Health and Care, talks with CBS News about a new study that finds Black men have the low­est melanoma sur­vival rate com­pared to oth­er races

WBEZ, Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons, July 31, 2023

Dr. Mia Taormi­na weighs in on the recent uptick in COVID hospitalizations

Dai­ly Her­ald, July 28, 2023

Dr. Kath­leen Mahan shares tips on how to stay safe and hydrat­ed in extreme temps

West Sub­ur­ban Liv­ing, July 11, 2023

Dr. Ben­jamin Kester shares how pre­ven­ta­tive care and inno­va­tions are help­ing week­end war­riors stay in the game

NBC Chica­go, June 29, 2023

Dr. Rick Gim­bel talks with NBC 5 about fire­works and grilling safe­ty head­ing into the July 4th holiday

NBC Chica­go, June 6, 2023

Dr. Michael Fitzger­ald talks to NBC 5 about Men’s Health Month and Rec­om­mend­ed Screenings

NBC Chica­go, May 26, 2023

Dr. Jen­nifer Yilk talks with NBC 5 about new breast can­cer screen­ing guide­lines and what women should know

NBC Chica­go, May 8, 2023

Dr. Alix Charles talks to NBC 5 about Melanoma Aware­ness Month and how to pro­tect yourself

NBC Chica­go, Octo­ber 25, 2022

Man­ag­ing Arthri­tis in the Cold

NBC Chica­go, Sep­tem­ber 6, 2022

How Going Off to Col­lege Affects Men­tal Health

Naperville Mag­a­zine — August 25, 2022

Duly Doc­tors Part of Best of Naperville 2022

NBC Chica­go — August 23, 2022

The Impor­tance of Sports Phys­i­cals for Stu­dent Athletes

Her­ald News — July 19, 2022

Duly Health and Care plans three-sto­ry med­ical build­ing on Jef­fer­son Street

Beck­er’s Health­care — June 13, 2022

How 1 com­pa­ny attracts tal­ent­ed employ­ees despite staffing shortages

NBC Chica­go — May 23, 2022

How Many Chil­dren Are Vac­ci­nat­ed for COVID in Illi­nois? What Data Reveals 

Chica­go Tri­bune — March 14, 2022

Dr. Mia Taormi­na was part of team that diag­nosed the first COVID case in DuPage Coun­ty. Two years lat­er, she shares where the pan­dem­ic stands.

Crain’s Chica­go Busi­ness — March 14, 2022

How top physi­cian prac­tices are deal­ing with COVID-era burnout

Beck­er’s Health­care — March 11, 2022

27 thoughts on lead­er­ship from women in healthcare

Fox 32 Chica­go — March 7, 2022

Car­dio­Graphe: CT scan­ner in Lisle helps treat heart patients more quick­ly and thoroughly