10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Having A Cosmetic Laser Procedure

Grow­ing old­er is no longer syn­ony­mous with look­ing or feel­ing that way. We can now pre­vent, reduce and erase the signs of age with lit­tle or no down­time or pain. Laser treat­ments can range from hair removal, reduc­tion of wrin­kles and bro­ken blood ves­sels, treat­ment of acne scars and much more. When con­sult­ing with your provider, ask­ing well thought out ques­tions is essen­tial to ensur­ing a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence; even the sim­plest pro­ce­dure car­ries poten­tial risk by some­one who is not prop­er­ly trained. Some ques­tions to get your con­ver­sa­tion start­ed include:

  1. What does the pro­ce­dure entail? What type of laser will be used and why?
  2. How many patients with this con­di­tion have you treat­ed with this laser?
  3. How many years expe­ri­ence do you have treat­ing this condition?
  4. What are the aver­age results I can expect?
  5. How many treat­ment ses­sions are required to achieve results and what is the cost of each treatment?
  6. Is there any down­time? If so how long?
  7. Are there any risks for my skin type?
  8. What are the poten­tial com­pli­ca­tions and what will you do if any would take place?
  9. Do you have any pos­i­tive tes­ti­mo­ni­als or before/​after pho­tos of patients you have treated?
  10. Will the treat­ment be con­duct­ed by you or some­one else? If some­one else, what train­ing do they have?

Ques­tions like these will encour­age a pos­i­tive and pro­duc­tive dia­logue between you and your provider before you under­go a treat­ment. Most like­ly, you will have less anx­i­ety dur­ing the pro­ce­dure know­ing you asked the right ques­tions and received help­ful infor­ma­tion before com­mit­ting to your procedure. 

Health Topics:

  • Early in my training at the Mayo Clinic I was taught that the interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered. With that as my guiding principle, I strive to create a warm and trusting relationship with my patients so they may feel at ease discussing their skin care issues with me. I believe strongly in educating patients on how best they can be in control of their own outcomes; they are the ones who live day to day in their own skin and I need them to help with their care plan! Lastly, I try to administer a healthy dose of laughter with each prescription or procedure as I've found this helps my patients get better more quickly.