Are Your Skincare Products Living Up To Their Full Potential?

Have you recent­ly pur­chased new skin care prod­ucts, but they aren’t liv­ing up to your full expec­ta­tions? Here are some quick and easy tips to make sure your prod­ucts are being used most effectively.

1. Exfo­li­ate your dead skin. Your great serums and anti-aging prod­ucts can’t pen­e­trate into the deep­er lay­ers of your skin because they’re being blocked by dead skin build up. Try an exfo­li­at­ing treat­ment at Duly Aes­thet­ics such as a SilkPeel or Hydrafa­cial to remove dead skin cells and impu­ri­ties while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly infus­ing your skin with a cus­tomized serum.

2. Apply your prod­ucts in the cor­rect order. Our licensed estheti­cians are always more than hap­py to cre­ate a step-by-step treat­ment plan for you. The order in which you apply your morn­ing and evening prod­ucts is cru­cial to their effec­tive­ness. For exam­ple, retinols should always be applied at night time before bed and should be fol­lowed by a mois­tur­iz­er. If applied the oth­er way around, it would be dif­fi­cult for the retinol to pen­e­trate through the emol­lient bar­ri­er of the mois­tur­iz­er.

3. Adjust your reg­i­men to suit your skin care needs. Just because you are not see­ing results imme­di­ate­ly does not mean you need to dis­pose of every­thing and start over. It’s always a good idea to intro­duce skin care prod­ucts into your rou­tine a lit­tle bit at a time to see what is work­ing for you and what isn’t. This way, you are able to cus­tomize your reg­i­men to meet your needs. For exam­ple, if you tend to get oily skin as the day goes on, you might want to use an oil-free mois­tur­iz­er in the morn­ing instead of some­thing more emol­lient. Our estheti­cians can help cus­tomize the per­fect prod­uct reg­i­men for you.

Our board-cer­ti­fied der­ma­tol­o­gists and plas­tic sur­geons car­ry med­ical grade prod­ucts and are results dri­ven. Let us help you get the most out of your prod­ucts — give your local Duly Aes­thet­ics loca­tion a call today. 

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