Cherry-Red Marks

Cher­ry angiomas are small benign growths of small blood ves­sels that occur in almost all patients over the age of thir­ty. They can be as small as only 1 – 2 mil­lime­ters in diam­e­ter, or range in size up to a cen­time­ter. Cher­ry angiomas may appear flat, or may become raised over time. Some­times a patient may have only one lesion, or patients can have dozens of them. Most of the time, patients will notice the devel­op­ment of these lesions on the scalp, face, trunk, and extrem­i­ties. Cher­ry angiomas can range in col­or from a bright cher­ry red to a dark, almost pur­ple col­or, com­mon­ly seen in old­er patients and with larg­er lesions. They are almost always few to no symp­toms unless they have been trau­ma­tized, for instance, being cut when shaved over, etc.

Once the lesions appear, they are per­ma­nent. Cher­ry angiomas are usu­al­ly red and smooth, with even bor­ders. They should not rapid­ly increase in size, scab, scale, or bleed. Lesions that exhib­it these symp­toms should be prompt­ly eval­u­at­ed by a der­ma­tol­ogy provider. Many patients are unsat­is­fied with the appear­ance of these lesions either due to the loca­tion or the col­or. For­tu­nate­ly, there are sev­er­al treat­ment options avail­able for removal of these lesions; how­ev­er, treat­ment is usu­al­ly con­sid­ered cos­met­ic. Treat­ments include burn­ing, shav­ing, freez­ing, or laser removal.

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