Eliminate Your Varicose Veins

An Overview of Endove­nous Laser Treatment

Each year when spring and sum­mer roll around do you fear wear­ing shorts or your bathing suit due to your vari­cose veins? You don’t have to feel this way any­more! A min­i­mal­ly inva­sive treat­ment exists that can help get you the legs you want. Endove­nous laser treat­ment elim­i­nates unsight­ly vari­cose veins with an in-office pro­ce­dure, min­i­mal-to-no scar­ring or side effects and with a quick recov­ery. The endove­nous laser treat­ment pro­ce­dure is safe, fast, and effec­tive, per­formed by our high­ly trained, board-cer­ti­fied vas­cu­lar sur­geons. In less than an hour, you can be free from bulging, twist­ed vari­cose veins and back to enjoy­ing your every­day activities.

Endove­nous laser treat­ment uses tar­get­ed laser ener­gy to seal the vein shut and help you look and feel bet­ter quickly.

  • Treat­ment can be com­plet­ed in less than an hour
  • Per­formed in-office, with no gen­er­al anes­the­sia or hospitalization
  • Return to nor­mal activ­i­ty imme­di­ate­ly — with lit­tle or no pain
  • Imme­di­ate relief of symptoms
  • Min­i­mal-to-no scarring
  • Up to 98% suc­cess rate
  • Typ­i­cal­ly is cov­ered by insurance

What to expect from endove­nous laser treatment:

  • Your board-cer­ti­fied vas­cu­lar sur­geon uses ultra­sound to map out your vein
  • Local anes­thet­ic is applied
  • A thin laser fiber is insert­ed through a tiny entry point, usu­al­ly near your knee
  • Laser ener­gy is deliv­ered to seal the faulty vein
  • You will be able to walk imme­di­ate­ly after the pro­ce­dure. Nor­mal dai­ly activ­i­ty can be resumed; just avoid rig­or­ous activ­i­ties or exercise.
  • There may be minor sore­ness and bruis­ing. Any dis­com­fort can be treat­ed with over-the-counter, non-aspirin pain reliev­ers as direct­ed by your physician.

With endove­nous laser treat­ment, you can show off your legs again! Call 630−810−5347 and sched­ule an appoint­ment today.