Time-Out to Talk About Low T

Testos­terone Boost­ing Tips and When to Seek Treatment

Testos­terone is a hor­mone found in both men and women, although women pro­duce a much small­er amount. Testos­terone pro­duc­tion is typ­i­cal­ly at its high­est dur­ing puber­ty, and begins to decline around the age of 30. Although testos­terone is most com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with an indi­vid­u­al’s sex dri­ve and sperm pro­duc­tion in males, it also impacts bone and mus­cle mass, red cell pro­duc­tion, the deep­en­ing of your voice, and can even affect your mood.

Some men may have low­er than aver­age lev­els of testos­terone, which is known as Testos­terone Defi­cien­cy Syn­drome (TD) or Low Testos­terone (Low T). The Amer­i­can Urol­o­gy Asso­ci­a­tion clas­si­fies Low T as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/​dL). Low T can pro­duce symp­toms including:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Depres­sion or moodiness
  • Less body hair
  • Reduced mus­cle mass and thin­ner bones

While testos­terone pro­duc­tion nat­u­ral­ly decreas­es with age, oth­er fac­tors can cause low­er testos­terone lev­els. Com­mon caus­es include an injury to the tes­ti­cles, a pitu­itary gland issue, chron­ic health con­di­tions like dia­betes or kid­ney dis­ease, pro­longed stress, and being over­weight. Cer­tain can­cer treat­ments such as chemother­a­py or radi­a­tion can also neg­a­tive­ly affect testos­terone production.

It is dif­fi­cult to iden­ti­fy how many men devel­op Low T, although it is esti­mat­ed that Low T affects approx­i­mate­ly 1 per­cent of men under the age of 30, 2 per­cent of men ages 30 – 80 and near­ly 50 per­cent of men over the age of 80. For­tu­nate­ly, there are steps men can take to boost their testos­terone naturally.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep has a direct impact on testos­terone lev­els. Make sure to get between sev­en and nine hours of sleep each night.

Main­tain a healthy weight

Men who are over­weight, espe­cial­ly those with pre-dia­betes, are more like­ly to have low testos­terone. In fact, los­ing some weight can help boost your testosterone.

Watch your sug­ar intake

The Endocrine Soci­ety indi­cates that sug­ar (glu­cose) decreas­es testos­terone lev­els by as much as 25 percent.

Stay active

Stud­ies have shown that testos­terone lev­els increase after exer­cis­ing, espe­cial­ly resis­tance train­ing. Exer­cise also improves mood and stim­u­lates chem­i­cals in your brain that help you feel hap­pi­er, more con­fi­dent, boosts ener­gy, and helps you sleep better.

Include zinc in your diet

Men with Low T often have zinc defi­cien­cies. Zinc plays a vital role in reg­u­lat­ing serum testos­terone lev­els so eat­ing food rich in zinc may help. Adult males should try to con­sume 11 mg of zinc dai­ly. Foods high in zinc include:

  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Crab and Lobster
  • Whole Grains

If you are expe­ri­enc­ing symp­toms, or are con­cerned about Low T, your pri­ma­ry care provider can deter­mine your testos­terone lev­els with a sim­ple blood test. If you do have Low T and your testos­terone remains unusu­al­ly low in spite of a healthy diet and lifestyle mod­i­fi­ca­tions, you may want to con­sid­er seek­ing the help of a spe­cial­ist. An Urol­o­gist will check your prostate health, mon­i­tor testos­terone lev­els and rule out any under­ly­ing med­ical con­di­tion before devel­op­ing a treat­ment plan to address your Low T.

Treat­ment options, like testos­terone replace­ment ther­a­py, may be rec­om­mend­ed for you if Low T is inter­fer­ing with your health and over­all qual­i­ty of life. To learn more or to make an appoint­ment with an Urol­o­gist who spe­cial­izes in Men’s Health includ­ing Low T, vis­it our Men’s Health Clin­ic page. or call 630−790−1221.