Dr. Anthony Romeo Appointed to Launch the DuPage Medical Group Musculoskeletal Institute

August 19, 2020

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. (August 19, 2020) — DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG), the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois, today announced it has appoint­ed Antho­ny Romeo, MD as Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent to head up the launch of the new DMG Mus­cu­loskele­tal Insti­tute, a state-of-the-art pro­gram that will intro­duce a dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed lev­el of inte­grat­ed mus­cu­loskele­tal care to the greater Chica­go market.

In an ardent return to the Chica­go area, Dr. Romeo plans to bring togeth­er the high­ly skilled DMG providers from orthopaedics, spine, phys­i­cal med­i­cine and reha­bil­i­ta­tion, phys­i­cal ther­a­py and occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py, chi­ro­prac­tic care, as well as pri­ma­ry care sports med­i­cine to cre­ate a patient-focused approach to mus­cu­loskele­tal care.

We couldn’t be more pleased to wel­come Dr. Romeo back to Chica­go, and more specif­i­cal­ly, to DMG,” said Dr. Paul Mer­rick, the chair­man of the DMG physi­cian orga­ni­za­tion. As a pre­em­i­nent clin­i­cal leader in orthopaedic care and a relent­less edu­ca­tor, Dr. Romeo’s exten­sive knowl­edge and eye toward inno­va­tion will be cru­cial to grow­ing DMG’s Mus­cu­loskele­tal Insti­tute, allow­ing us to fur­ther cre­ate a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized insti­tute for orthopaedic care that is focused on pos­i­tive, patient-cen­tered outcomes.”

As a nation­al and inter­na­tion­al leader in shoul­der, elbow, and sports med­i­cine con­di­tions, Dr. Romeo brings almost 30 years’ clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence — 25 of which were spent prac­tic­ing in Chica­go, where he served as a team physi­cian to the Chica­go White Sox and the Chica­go Bulls, as well as pro­vid­ing care for numer­ous NFL, NCAA, Olympic-lev­el, and high school ath­letes par­tic­i­pat­ing in a wide vari­ety of sports.

Dr. Romeo’s suc­cess­ful track record as one of the nation’s lead­ing orthopaedic sur­geons cou­pled with his com­mit­ment to inno­va­tion and val­ue-based care makes him the clear choice to lead the new DMG Mus­cu­loskele­tal Insti­tute,” said Steve Nel­son, CEO of DuPage Med­ical Group. I am excit­ed to work close­ly with Dr. Romeo to not only deliv­er a new stan­dard of care to Chica­go-area res­i­dents, but also to patients nation­wide who are in need of mus­cu­loskele­tal care. We will be a des­ti­na­tion orthopaedics institute.”

The DMG Mus­cu­loskele­tal Insti­tute will focus on ele­vat­ing the val­ue-based care mod­el by lever­ag­ing robust med­ical infor­mat­ics, evi­dence based clin­i­cal pro­to­cols, and cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy to opti­mize care deliv­ery, low­er health­care costs, and keep DMG as a whole at the fore­front of the ever-chang­ing health­care field.

Pri­or to join­ing DuPage Med­ical Group, Dr. Romeo served as the chief of orthopaedics for the Roth­man Orthopaedic Insti­tute in New York. He was also on staff at Lenox Hill Hos­pi­tal and served a full pro­fes­sor­ship in the Depart­ment of Orthopaedics at Zuck­er School of Med­i­cine at Hofstra/​Northwell Health.

I have spent my career in pur­suit of excel­lence in the field of shoul­der, elbow, and sports med­i­cine surgery to improve the qual­i­ty of my patients’ lives, and the team at DuPage Med­ical Group aligns with those same patient-focused prin­ci­ples,” Dr. Romeo said. This oppor­tu­ni­ty not only enables me to serve a com­mu­ni­ty that’s near and dear to my heart, but also allows me to work with an orga­ni­za­tion that shares my ded­i­ca­tion to pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty med­ical care avail­able. I am thrilled to be back in Chica­go and can’t wait to work with my fel­low DMG providers to bring this next lev­el of mus­cu­loskele­tal care to the community.”

Dr. Romeo is the for­mer pres­i­dent of the Amer­i­can Shoul­der and Elbow Soci­ety, has been rec­og­nized as one of the Best Doc­tors in Amer­i­ca for two decades, and is one of less than 6 per­cent of physi­cians select­ed to receive the Patient’s Choice Award on a con­sis­tent basis. Dr. Romeo cur­rent­ly pre­sides as the chief med­ical edi­tor for Ortho­pe­dics Today, a news­pa­per with more than 35,000 subscribers.

For more infor­ma­tion about the DuPage Med­ical Group Mus­cu­loskele­tal Insti­tute, vis­it duly​healthand​care​.com/mski. And for more infor­ma­tion about Dr. Romeo, vis­it https://​www​.antho​ny​romeomd​.com/.

About DuPage Med­ical Group

DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois with more than 750 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty care physi­cians in over 100 sub­ur­ban Chica­go loca­tions. For more than 20 years, DMG has focused on mak­ing health­care bet­ter for its patients and com­mu­ni­ties by offer­ing high qual­i­ty, com­pas­sion­ate health­care. As a physi­cian-led orga­ni­za­tion, DMG’s physi­cians work togeth­er – uti­liz­ing lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy and inno­v­a­tive treat­ment options – to ensure that each patient receives acces­si­ble and effi­cient health­care. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.