DuPage Medical Group Adds E-Prescribing Feature to Electronic Medical Record

February 16, 2011

DuPage Med­ical Group recent­ly added E‑prescribing to the many fea­tures of its elec­tron­ic med­ical record (EMR), tak­ing anoth­er step to improve safe­ty and con­ve­nience for the 300,000+ patients it serves in the Chicagoland area.

E‑prescribing allows DMG physi­cians to send pre­scrip­tions elec­tron­i­cal­ly to most area retail phar­ma­cies and many of the large mail-order phar­ma­cies. DMG patient Can­dace King from Glen Ellyn said, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence E‑prescribing on my last vis­it. It real­ly saved a lot of time. When I gave my name to the phar­ma­cy clerk, he hand­ed me the pre­scrip­tion — pack­aged and all ready to go. I was in and out of the phar­ma­cy in just a few min­utes. I think this is a great ser­vice, and I appre­ci­ate that DMG pro­vides it.”

DMG physi­cians can also now view a patient’s phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit infor­ma­tion when the pre­scrip­tion is being ordered. This real-time access to per­son­al ben­e­fit infor­ma­tion can allow the patient to pos­si­bly receive greater phar­ma­cy ben­e­fits at a reduced cost. DMG patient Karen Kucera from Down­ers Grove said, When I saw my doc­tor last month, she told me about a low­er-cost option for my reg­u­lar pre­scrip­tion. I real­ly appre­ci­at­ed talk­ing with her about which med­ica­tion was best for me, instead of pos­si­bly being asked by the phar­ma­cist if I want­ed to switch to a generic.”

In the last 4 months, DMG physi­cians sent more than 230,000 pre­scrip­tions elec­tron­i­cal­ly and received more than 60,000 elec­tron­ic refill requests from phar­ma­cies. Pri­or to E‑prescribing, DMG nurs­es spent a greater amount of time on the phone with phar­ma­cies han­dling pre­scrip­tion requests. DMG physi­cian Mark Nel­son, M.D. said, With E‑prescribing, our nurs­es spend less time on the phone with the phar­ma­cies and as a result, more time direct­ly with patients. We’ve also great­ly reduced fax­ing pre­scrip­tions to phar­ma­cies, so we’re sav­ing a lot of paper as well.”

Click here to find a DMG physi­cian by name, spe­cial­ty, or office location.