I am dedicated to providing compassionate care that is individualized for every patient. My goal is to help patients achieve their own goals through a team-based, collaborative approach.

Dan Blaney, PA-C
General Orthopaedics, Orthopaedics
Schedule an appointment with Dan Blaney, PA-C
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Please call (630) 469-9200 for more details.
This provider cannot see you because of your age.
Please continue to the next step and we will help you find the best provider.
This provider offers care to Medicare-eligible patients enrolled in qualified Medicare Advantage plans.
We can help match you with another primary care provider.
Please call 1-888-385-9669 to schedule.
Our team members are available to assist in scheduling your upcoming appointments.
within the last three (3) years
This provider is not accepting new patients at this time.
Let us help you find another Orthopedist.
Is this due to a recent ER, Immediate Care or Hospital visit?
We may need additional information to schedule your appointment.
Please call 630-790-1872 to schedule your appointment.
Is this visit related to either a work injury or workers' compensation claim?
We may need additional information to schedule your appointment.
Please call 630-348-3415 to speak with a Workers' Compensation specialist.
Dan Blaney, PA-C provides care for these areas. Please select your main reason for visit.
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100 Spalding Drive
Suite 300
Naperville, Illinois 60540
24600 W. 127th St.
Building B, Suite 225
Plainfield, Illinois 60585
Joint replacement, General orthopedics, Sports medicine
Mountain biking, Snowboarding, Running & fitness, Family time