Jesus Torres, DPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Burbank, Lombard
Patients Seen: Adolescents and Adults

As I grow old­er, I under­stand the impor­tance of health and the abil­i­ty to per­form dai­ly tasks. Many of us take this vital abil­i­ty for grant­ed before an injury occurs. My duty is to col­lab­o­rate with patients, in order to cre­ate func­tion­al and per­son­al­ized goals to regain this abil­i­ty and improve qual­i­ty of life. I uti­lize evi­dence-based tech­niques dur­ing my treat­ments that increase the chance of meet­ing such patient goals. I cre­ate an affa­ble envi­ron­ment that will allow for flu­id com­mu­ni­ca­tion and the acknowl­edg­ment of patient con­cerns. Ulti­mate­ly, I work with the patient to adapt my treat­ment and cre­ate an effec­tive and time­ly plan of care.

English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

Spinal dis­or­ders, neck pain, low back pain, total knee/​hip repairs, balance/​gait train­ing, ankle sprains, Achilles ten­don repairs, ACL repairs, knee/​hip osteoarthri­tis, shoul­der impinge­ment, rota­tor cuff repairs, gen­er­al weak­ness, hip labral tears, and hip impingement.

Personal Interests

When I am not in the clin­ic, I enjoy attend­ing a vari­ety of fes­ti­vals with my friends, spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, lift­ing at the gym, try­ing new restau­rants, and watch­ing Chica­go sports teams play.

American Physical Therapy Association
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Kinesiology
Concordia University Wisconsin Graduation Date: 2022 Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy


ASTYM/Graston, Body Mechanics, Closed Kinetic Chain Rehab, Core Stabilization, Electrical Stimulation, Flexibility Training, Functionally-based Rehabilitation, Joint Mobilization, Joint Protection, Manual Therapy, Myofacial Release, Neural Tension Release, Therapeutic Exercises


ACL Repair, Ankle Sprain, Balance Disorders, Hip Labral Tear, Meniscus Tear, Plantar Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Repair, Shoulder Labral Tear, Spine Disorders, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement