Julie Fischer, PTA

General Physical Therapy, Neurologic Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen: All Ages

For the past 29 years I have enjoyed work­ing with a vari­ety of patients of all ages and back­grounds. I espe­cial­ly enjoy work­ing with the chal­leng­ing ortho­pe­dic patients here at DMG with a wide vari­ety of injuries and diag­noses. In addi­tion to the ortho­pe­dic pop­u­la­tion I also work with the neu­ro­log­ic pop­u­la­tion. My patients have a vari­ety of diag­noses includ­ing Parkin­son’s Dis­ease, CVA, and Periph­er­al Neu­ropa­thy . I con­tin­ue to expand my treat­ment tech­niques and clin­i­cal knowl­edge by par­tic­i­pat­ing in nation­al­ly rec­og­nized sem­i­nars and by using the team approach col­lab­o­rat­ing with my fel­low ther­a­pists. I treat my patients with the same respect and com­pas­sion as I would want my own fam­i­ly to be treated.


location icon

Glen Ellyn

430 Pennsylvania Ave.

Suite 240

Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137


(General Physical Therapy)


(Neurologic Therapy)


(Physical & Occupational Therapy)
Board Certifications
Physical Therapy, CPR
Clinical Interests

My med­ical inter­ests include work­ing with the post sur­gi­cal hip, knee, and shoul­der patients. I also enjoy work­ing the Parkin­son’s patient population.

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and dog. I also enjoy bike rid­ing, golf, and vol­un­teer­ing in my community.

Southern Illinois University Graduation Date: 1990 Degree: BS
Southern Illinois University Graduation Date: 1991 Degree: Associates Degree