Kyle Fernando, PT, DPT, OCS

General Physical Therapy, Neurologic Therapy

Practices In: Joliet
Patients Seen: Adolescents and Adults

I enjoy get­ting to know my patient and help­ing them hand in hand in cre­at­ing the best plan of care they will need to achieve their goals.

Board Certifications
Cert. MDT Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapist
English, Tagalog
Clinical Interests

Gen­er­al ortho­pe­dic phys­i­cal ther­a­py, neu­ro­log­ic con­di­tions, gen­er­al post op ortho­pe­dic procedures

Personal Interests

Spend time with family

Emilio Aguinaldo College Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Body Mechanics, Joint Mobilization, McKenzie Technique, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Therapeutic Exercises


Spine Disorders