Madeline Smith, PA-C

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Practices In: Tinley Park, Westmont
Patients Seen: All Ages

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Clinical Interests

Well woman care, Con­tra­cep­tion, Vagini­tis, Sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted infec­tions (STIs), Poly­cys­tic ovar­i­an syn­drome (PCOS), Abnor­mal uter­ine bleed­ing, Dys­men­or­rhea, Menopause, Breast health, Can­cer screen­ing, Pre­ven­ta­tive care, Low risk pre­na­tal care

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, trav­el­ing, yoga, cooking

Association Of Physician Assistants in Obstetrics & Gynecology American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists American Academy of Physician Associates
Wayne State University Graduation Date: 2021 Degree: MS
Wayne State University Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: BS


Endometrial Biopsy