Mary Holmstrom, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC

Obstetrics & Gynecology

53 Ratings
Practices In: New Lenox, Olympia Fields, Tinley Park
Patients Seen: All Ages

I am for­tu­nate to have had OBG­YN train­ing in both tra­di­tion­al hos­pi­tal and office set­tings as well as set­tings that pro­vide more holis­tic care, afford­ing me a well-round­ed knowl­edge base that can be tai­lored to the pref­er­ences of each indi­vid­ual patient. I base my prac­tice on the con­cept of patient-cen­tered care, know­ing that sol­id patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion, edu­ca­tion, and shared deci­sion-mak­ing helps form a healthy rela­tion­ship between the med­ical com­mu­ni­ty and our patients. I am devot­ed to mak­ing our office a safe place to seek care and atten­tion for med­ical needs. I am deter­mined to use my self-aware­ness and open-mind­ed­ness to help bridge any gap our patients may encounter when seek­ing a trust­ed provider.

Schedule an appointment with Mary Holmstrom, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC

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Clinical Interests

Breast health, Women’s Health, Abnor­mal Pap Smears, Abnor­mal Uter­ine Bleed­ing, Ado­les­cent Health, Sex­u­al­ly Trans­mit­ted Infec­tions (STI), Pre-con­cep­tion care, Obstet­rics, Fourth Trimester”/Postpartum care, Breast­feed­ing Sup­port, Con­tra­cep­tion, Hor­mon­al and Non-Hor­mon­al ther­a­py, Menopause and Infertility

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly, trav­el­ing the coun­try for trade shows with my hus­band for our busi­ness, watch­ing my daugh­ter excel in gym­nas­tics, and being a base­ball mama” for my son. I also enjoy snow­mo­bil­ing, walk­ing through the woods at our farm in the UP, going to water­parks, and going to Dis­ney for vacation.

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, Hinsdale
120 North Oak Street Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 630-856-9000 Get Directions
AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in La Grange
5101 Willow Springs Road La Grange, Illinois 60525 708-245-9000 Get Directions
Rasmussen College Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Associates of Nursing
Regis College Graduation Date: 2022 Degree: Master of Nursing - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner


Ratings Category

The Patient Satisfaction Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our independent rating system, the Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.

Patient Satisfaction Rating

53 Ratings

Likelihood of recommending this provider

53 Ratings

Provider included you in decisions

53 Ratings

Provider showed concern

53 Ratings

Provider explained things clearly

53 Ratings

Provider discussed treatment options

53 Ratings


Comments are collected in our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Patients are de-identified to protect confidentiality and patient privacy. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.
"I always feel heard and well taken care of at Duly facilities."
May. 22, 2024
"My overall experience was amazing. I was not at the appointment very long and was able to make it to work on time. The nurse and nurse practitioner listened to me. They made me feel at ease and took my concerns seriously. The nurse practitioner has been wonderful in contacting me on MyChart about my results and giving me opportunities to ask questions."
May. 5, 2024
"Dr Mary made me feel very comfortable. Quite frankly, it may have been the best PAP I've ever experienced."
May. 1, 2024
"No waiting"
May. 1, 2024
"I was happy w my visit. I left w no worries"
Apr. 30, 2024
"Mary was great! So was the nurse. Attentive and punctual. Thanks ladies!"
Apr. 9, 2024
"Mary Holmstrom, is fast, professional, proficient. She is very smart and I felt so comfortable. I pray your company does everything to keep her. She is an excellent clinician that is hard to find."
Apr. 9, 2024
"Exceptional nurse practitioner and facility"
Apr. 7, 2024
"Mary Holstrom was a fantastic PA. Her concerns for my problem was unremarkable. Thank you Mary"
Apr. 2, 2024
"Very vocal and informative. Just wish I could ask questions about results and other concerns after visit"
Apr. 2, 2024
"Mary was awesome. This was my first visit with her because my GYN left the clinic. I found her to be thorough and asked all of the appropriate questions."
Mar. 4, 2024
"She was very thorough in the exam, asking questions, and plan of action. She did well in putting me at ease, and making me feel She cared about me"
Mar. 4, 2024
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