Renuka Kalvani, PT, OCS, MDT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Spine Therapy

Practices In: Woodridge
Patients Seen: Adults

I strive to pro­vide qual­i­ty care to patients and stay up to date with the lat­est research to enhance my clin­i­cal skills. I enjoy get­ting to know my patients and spend­ing one on one time with them to help them under­stand their prob­lem and treat them using evi­dence based tech­niques. I edu­cate and empow­er patients to con­tin­ue with self treat­ment pro­gram to main­tain their progress for the long term and main­tain a healthy life style.


Board Certifications
Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist, Physical Therapy
English, Hindi
Clinical Interests

Spine, Gen­er­al Ortho­pe­dic Phys­i­cal Ther­a­py, Post oper­a­tive care, Sports rehabilitation

Personal Interests

Yoga, Med­i­ta­tion

University of Bombay Graduation Date: 1989 Degree: BS


McKenzie Technique