At Home Sleep Testing

At-home sleep test­ing helps to deter­mine whether you’re hav­ing trou­ble breath­ing while sleep­ing at home. This test uti­lizes a very sim­pli­fied breath­ing mon­i­tor that tracks your breath­ing, oxy­gen lev­els, and breath­ing effort while worn. It does not ful­ly cap­ture what is mon­i­tored with a diag­nos­tic sleep test at our sleep cen­ter. Overnight diag­nos­tic sleep tests give a more thor­ough assess­ment of sleep issues. 

An at-home sleep test may be appro­pri­ate for you if you have signs of obstruc­tive sleep apnea, such as, a sleep part­ner report­ing that you snore, snort or gasp while sleep­ing, dis­rupt­ed sleep, or day­time sleepi­ness and want to deter­mine if you may have a sleep dis­or­der. Even after tak­ing an at home sleep test, you may still need to have a diag­nos­tic overnight sleep test at our sleep cen­ter for fur­ther diagnosis.