Cosmetic Laser Services

Lasers work by pro­duc­ing an intense beam of light that trav­els in one direc­tion which can be altered by inten­si­ty and pulse dura­tion. Abla­tive and non-abla­tive resur­fac­ing treat­ments are used to build col­la­gen and repair elas­tic­i­ty to encour­age reju­ve­na­tion. They are designed to dimin­ish the signs of aging, treat skin dam­age and cor­rect acne scars. There are many dif­fer­ent types of lasers which selec­tive­ly have unique pur­pos­es allow­ing pre­cise treat­ment results based on a vari­ety of skin conditions. 

Vas­cu­lar lesions, Fine lines and wrin­kles, Stretch marks, Cher­ry angiomas, Red­ness and swelling, Bro­ken cap­il­lar­ies telang­iec­tasias, Port wine stains, Uneven skin tone, Solar lentig­ines (freck­les), Sun dam­age-pho­to dam­age, Acne, Acne scars, Hyper­trophic scars.

The Duly Aes­thet­ics physi­cians uti­lize some of the most advanced laser tech­nol­o­gy includ­ing: Excel V Laser, Frax­el® 1927 Laser, Halo, Frax­el Dual Laser, KTP Laser, Nordlys Hybrid Laser, NDYAG Laser, Palo­mar Star­Lux® 500 Laser Sys­tem, ProFrac­tion­al XC Laser, Pulse Dye Laser, Q‑Switch Laser, V‑Beam Laser


*individual results may vary

Cosmetic Laser Services

Stephanie Gan, MD, FAAD

I was very nervous about having the Mixto laser treatment performed by Dr. Gan. She thoroughly explained the entire procedure and was very knowledge able about the treatment. She was very patient during the treatment and gave me very thorough post procedure instructions. She called me every day to check on my progress. The end result is I am LOVING my skin! My skin looks radiant and rejuvenated. The years of sun damage have disappeared and I am forever grateful to Dr. Gan.