Fraxel® 1927 Laser Resurfacing

The Fraxel®1927 treat­ment uses frac­tion­al laser tech­nol­o­gy to tar­get aging, sun dam­aged, or hyper­pig­ment­ed skin (sun spots and melas­ma). Micro­scop­ic laser light pen­e­trates super­fi­cial lay­ers of the skin while leav­ing the sur­round­ing tis­sue untouched and is safe for treat­ments of the face and body. This process stim­u­lates your body’s own nat­ur­al heal­ing process and gen­er­ates new col­la­gen. Old and dam­aged skin cells are replaced with fresh, healthy skin.

Only the Frax­el 1927 has been her­ald­ed by experts in the field of aes­thet­ic lasers as being col­or blind” when used to elim­i­nate brown spots and stains in even the dark­est skin tones. This means the per­fect mar­riage between safe­ty and results for our patients from all eth­nic backgrounds!

The spe­cif­ic num­ber of treat­ments need­ed and the longevi­ty of the results is var­ied and based upon the indi­vid­ual patient, desired results, skin con­di­tion and lifestyle.

You may expe­ri­ence red­ness or swelling after the pro­ce­dure which dimin­ish­es quick­ly over the next sev­er­al days. Your skin will nat­u­ral­ly bronze over the first few days and will start to flake and exfo­li­ate, reveal­ing fresh­er, health­i­er look­ing skin by day seven!

Talk with one of our skin care pro­fes­sion­als or providers today to find out if the Frax­el® 1927 laser is right for you!


  • Age Spots
  • Hyper­pig­men­ta­tion
  • Improve­ment of Skin Tone
  • Melas­ma