Mask Desensitization/Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Nap Testing

A Pos­i­tive Air­way Pres­sure (PAP) Nap is a day­time study for patients who have anx­i­ety about start­ing PAP ther­a­py or are hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty tol­er­at­ing it for their sleep-relat­ed breath­ing dis­or­der. The PAP nap usu­al­ly last between one-three hours. The Pap Nap gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try sev­er­al masks on to find the right fit and size as well as try dif­fer­ent pres­sure set­tings to receive the most ben­e­fit from your device. You will work with a sleep tech­nol­o­gist, using relax­ation, deep breath­ing and desen­si­ti­za­tion tech­niques to try to become more com­fort­able with PAP ther­a­py dur­ing this session.