Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection

This injec­tion pro­ce­dure is per­formed to relieve pain caused by arthri­tis in the sacroil­i­ac joint where the spine and hip bone meet. The steroid med­ica­tion can reduce swelling and inflam­ma­tion in the joint. The patient lies face down, a cush­ion is placed under the stom­ach for com­fort and to arch the back. The physi­cian uses touch and a flu­o­ro­scope to find the sacroil­i­ac joint. A local anes­thet­ic numbs the skin and all the tis­sue down to the sur­face of the sacroil­i­ac joint. The physi­cian advances a nee­dle through the anes­thetized track and into the sacroil­i­ac joint. A steroid-anes­thet­ics mix is inject­ed into the sacroil­i­ac joint, bathing the painful area in med­ica­tion. The nee­dle is removed, and a small ban­dage is used to cov­er the tiny sur­face wound.

Click here to review a video illus­tra­tion of the Sacroil­i­ac Steroid Injec­tion.
(Infor­ma­tion obtained from www​.viewmed​ica​.com 2012 Swarm Interactive).