Swim Mold

Patients who have fre­quent expo­sure to water or who have nar­row ear canals may be more vul­ner­a­ble to recur­rent ear infec­tions. Swim molds are worn to seal the ear canal from mois­ture to pre­vent bac­te­r­i­al infec­tion of the ear (swim­mers ear), a painful con­di­tion which often caus­es tem­po­rary hear­ing loss. Often patients of all ages uti­lize swim molds fol­low­ing ear tube surgery.

Swim molds are man­u­fac­tured from a cus­tom impres­sion of your ear to cre­ate a pre­cise phys­i­cal bar­ri­er to pre­vent water from enter­ing into the ear canal. The mold is cre­at­ed using a float­able sil­i­cone mate­r­i­al and can be cus­tomized to a child’s favorite swirl of col­ors or an adult’s pref­er­ence for a skin tone.

If inter­est­ed in being eval­u­at­ed for swim molds, sched­ule an appoint­ment with one of the DMG Hear­ing & Audi­ol­o­gy experts.