High-risk pregnant woman with dog

Maternal Fetal Medicine

As a patient at Duly Health and Care, not only will you expe­ri­ence the com­pre­hen­sive care pro­vid­ed by your Duly obste­tri­cians, you’ll also have access to mater­nal fetal med­i­cine physi­cians. These spe­cial­ists, also known as peri­na­t­a­l­o­gists, have com­plet­ed 2 – 3 years of fel­low­ship train­ing to assess and man­age high risk preg­nan­cies. Whether you have exist­ing med­ical con­di­tions, such as hyper­ten­sion or dia­betes, are preg­nant with mul­ti­ple ges­ta­tions, or are hav­ing oth­er com­pli­ca­tions dur­ing your preg­nan­cy, the Duly mater­nal fetal med­i­cine physi­cians bring their expe­ri­ence and exper­tise to pro­vide the addi­tion­al med­ical care you and/​or your baby need. Through the col­lab­o­ra­tion and co-man­age­ment by your obste­tri­cian and mater­nal fetal med­i­cine physi­cian, you can rest assure that Duly has a team of health pro­fes­sion­als who will be there for you and all of your needs dur­ing pregnancy. 


Related Specialties


Cervical Cerclage

Fetal Monitoring

Fetal Transfusions

First Trimester Screen

Gestational Diabetes management

High Risk Obstetrical Ultrasound

Multiple Gestations

Pre-conception Consultation

Shunt Placements


Fetal Echocardiography