Mirage Quattro™ Full Face Mask Complete System

The Mirage Quat­tro™ is ResMed’s fourth gen­er­a­tion full face mask that fits over 95% of users. The Quat­tro fea­tures an intu­itive MicroFit dial, which pro­vides per­son­al­ized fit and enhances seal with­out over­tight­en­ing the head­gear. ResMed’s patent­ed Mirage dual-wall cush­ion pro­vides a sta­ble, secure seal while the cushion’s spring air tech­nol­o­gy accom­mo­dates move­ment dur­ing sleep and allows the mask to sit com­fort­ably on the face. The mov­ing mem­brane adapts to dif­fer­ent facial struc­tures and com­bines with the cush­ion for a built-in solu­tion to jaw drop. In addi­tion, the mask’s stream­lined design feels light on the face and fea­tures built-in vents to reduce noise. The Mirage Quat­tro also offers pro­fes­sion­al ben­e­fits, includ­ing few­er prod­uct codes and mask parts, a com­pre­hen­sive user sup­port pack­age, and sim­pli­fied parts for first-time fit.

Avail­able in extra small, small and medium. 

To place an order or speak with our team, please call 1−630−545−7770. If you are an exist­ing cus­tomer and you have a non-urgent ques­tion for us, please send a mes­sage through MyD­MGHealth (MyChart). We will respond with­in 2 busi­ness days.