Simplus Mask

1. Roll­Fit Seal
As the name sug­gests, the one-piece seal rolls” back and forth on the bridge of the nose to adjust auto­mat­i­cal­ly. In doing so, the Roll­Fit Tech­nol­o­gy reduces pres­sure on the bridge of the nose. The Roll­Fit Seal incor­po­rates Inte­grat­ed Sta­bil­i­ty Pan­els to enhance the seal­ing per­for­mance and the Advanced Air Dif­fuser is designed for min­i­mal noise and draft. 2. Ergo­Form Head­gear This breath­able, ergonom­i­cal­ly designed head­gear self-locates high on the rear of the head, allow­ing for unre­strict­ed head move­ment (side­ways, up and down). Incor­po­rat­ing Stretch and Non-stretch Pan­els, the Ergo­Form Head­gear is designed to hold its shape and allow stretch where it is required, for opti­mal usabil­i­ty and per­for­mance. Embed­ded VEL­CRO®* Tabs with Easy­Clip Hooks enable fast fit­ting and removal. The Adjustable Crown Strap enhances mask sta­bil­i­ty. 3. Easy Frame This low-pro­file frame is sta­ble, durable and small, and ensures a clear line of sight. The one frame fits all three seal sizes and has an Easy-Clip Frame Attach­ment to aid assem­bly after clean­ing.
The Ball-and-Sock­et Elbow rotates for free­dom of move­ment while reduc­ing drag from the CPAP tube.

Avail­able in small and medium.