Welcome to Duly.

At Duly Health and Care, our providers meet you on your health jour­ney, wher­ev­er that may be. We believe that health isn’t just the absence of sick­ness, but an ongo­ing pur­suit to reach your true poten­tial. Our team pushes the bound­aries of inno­va­tion and chal­lenges the expect­ed to deliv­er the extra­or­di­nary in health and care. After all, healthy is just another word for happy.

Our take on health and care

We believe that true health is lim­it­less. It can­not be found in a sys­tem where peo­ple are seen as patients with symp­toms to be treat­ed. We get that no one wants to be a patient or even thought of as one.

Our clinics are designed to help you flourish - with innovative, inviting and personalized care. With more than 40 locations and 300 providers throughout the southern suburbs, we are committed to delivering care and support on your terms.

Duly Senior Care Clinics

Our latest location in Orland Hills offers adults on Medicare per­son­al­ized rela­tion­ships with Duly providers who deliv­er care tai­lored espe­cial­ly to their health needs, like main­tain­ing healthy blood pres­sure, man­ag­ing dia­betes, and keep­ing phys­i­cal­ly strong. Our providers are excited to welcome you to the new standard of uniquely tailored health and care.

Suburban Cancer Care

In health and care, everyone should have a guide to help chart the way. Our Oncology care team works tirelessly to support and care for you through every step of your cancer journey; from diag­no­sis to treat­ment through survivorship. Using the latest in cancer care and technology, we are committed to bringing you comprehensive, university-level cancer care close to home.

Bone, Joint & Spine Care

Our orthopaedic providers are focused on the care and treatment of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles that are critical to the everyday movement of your body. Our team's extensive training and experience, paired with the latest in orthopaedic treatments and surgery techniques, will get you back to keep­ing your golf game sharp, play­ing in the park with your grand­kids and enjoy­ing long walks with friends and loved ones.

Stay Connected

We'll share a closer look at our healthier approach to health and care, plus a little dose of happy, right to your inbox. After all, healthy is just another word for happy.