Food Allergy Risk Reduction (FARR)

Recent stud­ies have found that intro­duc­ing infants to peanut aller­gens can help decrease the like­li­hood of them devel­op­ing a food aller­gy lat­er in life. Qual­i­fied infants include those who pass a skin test with either a neg­a­tive or mild­ly pos­i­tive result. Dur­ing FARR, peanut but­ter is giv­en to the child over a two-hour peri­od to test for reac­tion. If the aller­gist does not sus­pect an aller­gic reac­tion, par­ents will be asked to give their infant a spec­i­fied amount of peanut but­ter over a peri­od of time.


Amer­i­can Col­lege of Aller­gy, Asth­ma, and Immunol­o­gy (acaai​.org)

The Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Aller­gy, Asth­ma & Immunol­o­gy | AAAAI