Wellness Visits & Preventive Care

What qual­i­fies as a Well­ness or Pre­ven­tive Care Visit? 

Pre­ven­tive or Well­ness vis­its are a proac­tive way to ensure that you as a patient main­tain reg­u­lar focus on ways to keep their bod­ies and minds healthy. When you sched­ule this vis­it with your provider you will dis­cuss the following: 

    • The cur­rent state of your health 
    • Your med­ical and fam­i­ly history
    • Your weight and blood pressure
    • Poten­tial risk factors
    • Med­ica­tion use
    • Health goals you have for the future

Your provider may offer health advice and refer­rals for ser­vices such as health edu­ca­tion and coun­sel­ing. Pre­ven­tive med­ical care is impor­tant because it pro­vides you and your care team with an idea of your cur­rent health state, which can be use­ful for assess­ing future health care needs. 

What typ­i­cal­ly hap­pens dur­ing a Well­ness or Pre­ven­tive Care Visit?

Dur­ing preventive/​wellness care vis­it, your provider will:

    • Use screen­ing and assess­ment to uncov­er unknown med­ical con­di­tions. Often, these con­di­tions could be in ear­ly stages, where no sign or symp­tom has yet manifested. 
    • Receive an exam­i­na­tion by your provider and par­tic­i­pate in a dis­cus­sion about your gen­er­al well-being, includ­ing your phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al health.
    • Dis­cuss addi­tion­al top­ics such as immu­niza­tions, rec­om­men­da­tions with regard to diet and exer­cise, etc. 

This vis­it is not a head-to-toe phys­i­cal and is not designed to eval­u­ate new/​chronic prob­lems or conditions.

How does a Wellness/​Preventive Care Vis­it dif­fer from a Sick Visit?

Dur­ing a sick” vis­it, your provider is going to eval­u­ate your phys­i­cal complaint(s) or ailment(s). It could also be a time when your provider address­es an acute or chron­ic health issue you have been expe­ri­enc­ing. Sick vis­its with your provider are used to eval­u­ate new or exist­ing conditions/​pain/​symptoms, and can include the man­age­ment of long-stand­ing health concerns.

Could a vis­it to our office include dis­cus­sion on both Pre­ven­tive and Sick Care? 

It is pos­si­ble for patients to be sched­uled for both a well­ness and a sick vis­it in one day. It could also hap­pen that a patient or provider, dur­ing a well­ness vis­it, dis­cuss­es addi­tion­al con­cerns about new/​chronic health con­di­tions. In these instances, patients could be billed for both a sick vis­it and a well­ness visit.

Have addi­tion­al questions? 

Please reach out to us by call­ing (630) 942‑7998. We can help you deter­mine which visit(s) should be sched­uled and can also address any ques­tions or con­cerns you may have.