Billing Estimates

When it comes to sched­ul­ing your care, we know it goes beyond check­ing your cal­en­dar and includes plan­ning your bud­get. We’re excit­ed to offer Billing Esti­mates, a price trans­paren­cy tool avail­able in MyChart and the Duly Health and Care app. 

With the Billing Esti­mates tool, you can under­stand your out-of-pock­et costs by brows­ing a search­able list of stan­dard charges and shop­pable ser­vices and you may view esti­mat­ed costs for each of your upcom­ing services. 

While a billing esti­mate is the pre­dict­ed amount you will pay for a ser­vice and not a guar­an­tee, it will help you under­stand and com­pare your health­care costs.

Get a Billing Estimate

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Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions about Billing Estimates

What is a billing estimate?

A billing esti­mate is the pre­dict­ed amount you will pay for a med­ical ser­vice based on your insur­ance your cur­rent insur­ance on file with Duly, ben­e­fits col­lect­ed from your plan and the insur­ance plan’s con­trac­tu­al agreement. 

When will I receive a billing estimate?

Billing esti­mates are pro­vid­ed for most pro­ce­dures or ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Duly Health and Care. This includes lab tests, diag­nos­tic imag­ing and sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures. You may receive a text mes­sage or email with your billing esti­mate based on the com­mu­ni­ca­tion pref­er­ences you have set in your Duly MyChart account. You may also encounter your billing esti­mate when com­plet­ing eCheck-In for your upcom­ing appoint­ments or services. 

How can I cre­ate a billing esti­mate for a ser­vice I need to schedule? 

If you are won­der­ing what an upcom­ing pro­ce­dure or ser­vice may cost, you can get a billing esti­mate for com­mon pro­ce­dures and ser­vices in your Duly MyChart account or the Duly Health and Care app. Under the MyChart menu, under Billing, click on Estimates. 

From here, you can view final­ized billing esti­mates for sched­uled pro­ce­dures or ser­vices, or you can click Cre­ate a new esti­mate” to cre­ate your own. When cre­at­ing your billing esti­mate, you can search by key­word, CPT code or browse com­mon ser­vices and cat­e­gories. You can get a billing esti­mate by using your insur­ance infor­ma­tion on file with Duly or by pay­ing ful­ly out-of-pock­et. You may need to enter addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about your insur­ance ben­e­fits, includ­ing deductibles, co-pays, co-insur­ance, and out-of-pock­et max­i­mums, to deter­mine your out-of-pock­et cost. After you have cre­at­ed a billing esti­mate, you can save it to your account for future reference. 

How is a billing esti­mate calculated?

Billing esti­mates are based on what spe­cif­ic pro­ce­dures or ser­vices nor­mal­ly cost, includ­ing provider and facil­i­ty fees and sup­plies. These billing esti­mates con­sid­er your pri­ma­ry insur­ance ben­e­fits includ­ing co-insur­ance, co-pays, deductibles, out-of-pock­et max­i­mums, etc. 

Billing esti­mates include antic­i­pat­ed fees for physi­cians, assist­ing providers, oper­at­ing rooms, imag­ing, lab tests, sup­plies, etc. Charges for con­sul­ta­tions, addi­tion­al test­ing or fol­low-up appoint­ments are not includ­ed in each estimate. 

How accu­rate are billing estimates?

Prices may vary and a billing esti­mate is not a quote or guar­an­tee of the final billed charges. We try our best to give you an accu­rate billing esti­mate. How­ev­er, many fac­tors go into the final cost. Final billed charges may vary from billing esti­mates for many rea­sons, among them are the patien­t’s med­ical con­di­tion, unknown cir­cum­stances or com­pli­ca­tions, final diag­no­sis and rec­om­mend­ed treat­ment ordered by the physi­cian. Your pri­ma­ry insur­ance ben­e­fit infor­ma­tion (where applic­a­ble) is based on infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by your pri­ma­ry insur­ance provider as of the date of this billing estimate. 

I have mul­ti­ple insur­ance plans; how do I cal­cu­late my out-of-pock­et costs? 

Billing esti­mates through MyChart are only cal­cu­lat­ed based on the patient’s pri­ma­ry insur­ance. Bil­ing esti­mates pro­vid­ed are only for your pri­ma­ry insur­ance plan, but we do bill your sec­ondary insur­ance for addi­tion­al cov­er­age. Please call your sec­ondary insur­ance provider with the pro­ce­dure or ser­vice codes to obtain your esti­mat­ed responsibility. 

Does the billing esti­mate ensure that the ser­vice is a cov­ered benefit?

A billing esti­mate does not ensure that a pro­ce­dure or ser­vice is a cov­ered ben­e­fit. Please check your cov­ered ben­e­fits with your insur­ance provider and plan before sched­ul­ing your pro­ce­dure or service. 

When is pay­ment due? 

You can make a pay­ment for your pro­ce­dure or ser­vice based on a billing esti­mate before your ser­vice, at the time of your ser­vice or when a final state­ment has been received. Some pro­ce­dures or ser­vices may require pay­ment at the time of your ser­vice and all co-pays are due at the time of your service. 

What should I do if I can­not afford this ser­vice? Can I resched­ule or cancel?

We offer pay­ment options for our patients, includ­ing month­ly pay­ment plans. After you have been seen and received your final bill, please con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice depart­ment at 630−942−7998 to set up a pay­ment plan. If you would like to resched­ule or can­cel your pro­ce­dure or ser­vice, please speak with your provider to review your treat­ment plan. 

Will my final bill match the billing esti­mate I was provided?

We do our best to give you an accu­rate billing esti­mate based on what spe­cif­ic pro­ce­dures or ser­vices nor­mal­ly cost, includ­ing provider and facil­i­ty fees and sup­plies. How­ev­er, many fac­tors go into the final cost and final billed charges may vary from the billing esti­mate you were orig­i­nal­ly provided. 

Why do the ser­vices pro­vid­ed not match what was sched­uled (ex. pre­ven­tive vs. diagnostic)?

Dur­ing a pro­ce­dure or ser­vice, your physi­cian may deter­mine that diag­nos­tic, not pre­ven­tive, ser­vices were required based on your con­di­tion. If this is the case, your bill will reflect diag­nos­tic services. 

Who do I call if I have ques­tions about my billing estimate? 

If you need any help or have ques­tions about your esti­mate, please con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice depart­ment at 630−942−7998.