Charitable Sponsorships

Duly Health and Care part­ners with lead­ing health and com­mu­ni­ty non­prof­its to build a bet­ter future for all. Through our char­i­ta­ble spon­sor­ships, Duly Health and Care seeks to fos­ter inno­va­tion, pro­mote health equi­ty, and help our com­mu­ni­ties flourish. 

We are proud to part­ner with orga­ni­za­tions such as the:

Amer­i­can Can­cer Society

Amer­i­can Heart Association

Please note that due to high vol­ume, Duly Health and Care is not cur­rent­ly accept­ing new spon­sor­ship requests. To learn more about grant oppor­tu­ni­ties, please see our Char­i­ta­ble Fund page.