Hair Loss Isn’t Always Permanent: 4 Hair Loss Treatments and Technologies

Strands are stuck to the side of the show­er. Your brush needs clean­ing on a dai­ly basis. Your pil­low looks like it has grown its own head of hair. Your hair is everywhere. 

This might seem con­cern­ing, but it’s actu­al­ly nor­mal. On aver­age, peo­ple lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day. This is called hair shed­ding,” and the hairs tend to grow back.

On the oth­er hand, when some­thing stops the hair from grow­ing, it’s called hair loss” (alope­cia). This can be due to fac­tors such as your age, fam­i­ly his­to­ry, cer­tain med­ica­tions, autoim­mune dis­or­ders, and stress. The under­ly­ing cause needs to be treat­ed before your hair will regrow. 

There are sev­er­al ways to man­age hair loss and bald­ness. Some peo­ple choose to wear wigs, exten­sions, or con­ceal­ers. Oth­ers choose to embrace hair loss (good­bye main­te­nance and pay­ing for sham­poo). But many peo­ple expe­ri­enc­ing hair loss go the route of hair regrowth.

Here are 4 hair loss treat­ments and tech­nolo­gies to help you regrow that head of hair.

1. Restore your nat­ur­al hair growth with the platelet-rich plas­ma pro­ce­dure for hair restoration.

The platelet-rich plas­ma (PRP) pro­ce­dure har­ness­es the pow­er of your blood to regrow hair. 

The liq­uid part of your blood is called plas­ma, and this makes up a lit­tle more than half of your blood con­tent. The rest of your blood con­tains red and white blood cells, and platelets — tiny blood cells found in bone mar­row, the spongy tis­sue of your bones. These platelets are locat­ed with­in the plas­ma. Platelets con­tain growth fac­tors, which are mol­e­cules that impact cell growth.

Dur­ing a PRP pro­ce­dure, your provider draws a sam­ple of your blood and puts it into a spe­cial machine that sep­a­rates out the plas­ma. They then inject that plas­ma into the scalp where you have hair loss. The process only takes about 10 to 30 min­utes, and most patients report mod­er­ate dis­com­fort, but there are ways like using focused cold air to min­i­mize this.

It requires a series of treat­ments and usu­al­ly takes between 3 to 6 months to notice hair growth and main­te­nance is required. 

Learn about PRP at Duly Health and Care.

2. Restore your hair and decrease shed­ding with AlmaT­ED treatments:

In this case, ultra­sound is used to deliv­er the ben­e­fits of a hair serum to the scalp, there­by cre­at­ing a healthy scalp envi­ron­ment, increas­ing the num­ber of hairs, and decreas­ing hair shed­ding for patients. Treat­ments take about 30 min and are gen­er­al­ly relax­ing. Like PRP, an ini­tial series is required fol­lowed by main­te­nance treatments. 

3. Pre­vent future hair loss with medication.

Pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tion is anoth­er treat­ment option for over­com­ing hair loss. The type of med­ica­tion pre­scribed is based on sev­er­al fac­tors, includ­ing your age, sex, over­all health, and the cause of your loss.

Com­mon med­ica­tions include:

  • Finas­teride (Prope­cia®). This treats male pat­tern hair loss (the most com­mon cause of hair loss in men). It slows down exist­ing hair loss and stim­u­lates hair to grow.
  • Spirono­lac­tone. This is for female pat­tern hair loss (the most com­mon cause of hair loss in women). It makes hair thick­er and pre­vents fur­ther hair loss.
  • Baric­i­tinib (Olu­mi­ant®). Only recent­ly approved in 2022, baric­i­tinib treats severe alope­cia area­ta — a dis­ease where your immune sys­tem attacks hair fol­li­cles, lead­ing to hair loss. Baric­i­tinib works by block­ing these attacks. 

Ready to start treat­ment for hair loss? Make an appoint­ment with a Duly Health and Care der­ma­tol­o­gist or with the experts at Duly Aes­thet­ics.

4. Get cor­ti­cos­teroid injections.

Cor­ti­cos­teroid injec­tions are among the go-to treat­ments for alope­cia area­ta, a type of hair loss where round patch­es of hair are lost due to an over­ac­tive immune sys­tem around the hair follicles. 

Cor­ti­cos­teroids help decrease this inflam­ma­tion and pro­mote hair growth. They are inject­ed into the affect­ed areas every 4 to 8 weeks as nec­es­sary. If the injec­tions are suc­cess­ful, you may start to see growth with­in 6 to 8 weeks. 

Some peo­ple find the injec­tions to be a lit­tle painful, so your provider may numb the spot with a med­ica­tion like lido­caine before or use focused cold air dur­ing the procedure. 

Injec­tions aren’t rec­om­mend­ed for every­one. For instance, you shouldn’t get an injec­tion in an area where you have an infec­tion or oth­er active skin con­di­tion. If your provider thinks your type of hair loss would ben­e­fit from cor­ti­cos­teroids, but you’re not a can­di­date for injec­tions, they may be able to pre­scribe steroid creams, oint­ments, lotions, or foams.

Deter­mine the root cause (pun intended). 

Whether you’re look­ing for treat­ment or have decid­ed to give the bald look a try, it’s a good idea to talk to your pri­ma­ry care provider or der­ma­tol­o­gist if you are expe­ri­enc­ing sig­nif­i­cant shed­ding or hair loss. It could be a sign of an under­ly­ing issue, like a hor­mon­al imbal­ance or not get­ting the right amount or com­bi­na­tion of nutri­ents. Your provider can help address any issues you may have. 

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  • Shraddha Desai, MD, Naperville Dermatologist

    Providing dermatology care with the utmost compassion, innovation, science, and technology. Patients are like family and I hope to create a long-lasting relationship with them.