4 Summer Skin Tips

A lot of patients ask if they should take a sum­mer break” from their skin­care rou­tine due to the increased sun expo­sure from out­door activ­i­ties. While this is a great time to break from a lot of your habits, skin­care is not one of them. Read our 4 sum­mer skin tips to keep your skin look­ing its best this summer.

  1. Retinoid Use
    • Not using Retinoid dur­ing the sum­mer is one of the biggest myths out there. While the actu­al ingre­di­ent of a retinoid is sen­si­tive to the sun, it doesn’t cause your skin to be sen­si­tive any more than if you were exfo­li­at­ing reg­u­lar­ly. Retinoids are intend­ed to be used at night and ful­ly absorbed by morning.
    • Sum­mer is actu­al­ly a great time to start a retinoid! With all the humid­i­ty that comes with sum­mer months, your skin is actu­al­ly less like­ly to dry out as it adjusts to the ingre­di­ents in a retinoid product.
  2. Pig­men­ta­tion & Sum­mer Skin Care
    • Those with pig­men­ta­tion issues (sun dam­age, melas­ma, post-inflam­ma­to­ry hyper­pig­men­ta­tion) should con­tin­ue with their rou­tine since these skin issues are more like­ly to flare up dur­ing hot/​sunny months. If you haven’t already tried the NuD­erm prod­uct line by Oba­gi this is some­thing to check out!
  3. Sunscreen,Sunscreen, Sun­screen!
    • The sun is at its hottest between 10am – 2pm. If you are out dur­ing these hours, wear a hat and apply sun­screen. Be sure to reap­ply your sun­screen after sweat­ing, swim­ming or every 2 hours when out­doors. Also – don’t wait until you are already out­side to apply, try to apply 30 min­utes before.
  4. Rays & Wrinkles
    • While ultra­vi­o­let ray B (UVB, the burn­ing ray) increas­es dur­ing the sum­mer, UVA (the aging ray) remains con­stant all year. There­fore it is imper­a­tive to use a dai­ly, broad-spec­trum sun­screen, tint­ed or untint­ed, dai­ly. I rec­om­mend it even while dri­ving or work­ing under flu­o­res­cent lights, as these are sources of ultra­vi­o­let light expo­sure that most patients do not realize.

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