5 Surprising Reasons to Go to the Chiropractor

Chi­ro­prac­tors are well-known for treat­ing neck and back pain. By mov­ing the joints in your spine and body, they push your spine into align­ment to ease pain and get you back to your dai­ly routine. 

But there are plen­ty of oth­er rea­sons to go to the chi­ro­prac­tor — some of which may come as a sur­prise. Because these health experts are skilled at manip­u­lat­ing joints through­out your body, they address a range of con­cerns and improve your qual­i­ty of life. 

    Here are 5 ways a chi­ro­prac­tor can ben­e­fit your health and wellness. 

    1. Chi­ro­prac­tors pre­vent and treat headaches. 

    Headaches are one of the most com­mon ail­ments in the US, affect­ing 9 out of 10 peo­ple. How­ev­er, some see headaches as a fact of life and push through the pain. 

    Many headaches are caused by an increas­ing­ly seden­tary lifestyle. For instance, if you sit in front of a com­put­er for work, you might expe­ri­ence mus­cle ten­sion and joint irri­ta­tion, lead­ing to fre­quent headaches. 

    Chi­ro­prac­tic care address­es the most com­mon kinds of headaches, includ­ing ten­sion headaches and migraines. They per­form spinal manip­u­la­tion and adjust­ments, which enhance the func­tion of your spine and relieve stress that can cause headaches. They may also sug­gest ways to improve your pos­ture, includ­ing at-home exer­cis­es and relax­ation techniques. 

    If you’re expe­ri­enc­ing fre­quent headaches, sched­ule an appoint­ment with a Duly Chi­ro­prac­tor to get relief today. 

    2. Chi­ro­prac­tors improve your pos­ture to enhance your well-being. 

    The way you sit, move, and go about your dai­ly rou­tine are all a part of your pos­ture. There are many ways your lifestyle might neg­a­tive­ly impact your pos­ture, such as your age, what kinds of heavy lift­ing you do (includ­ing chil­dren), how you sit, and even the kinds of shoes you wear. 

    Poor pos­ture can lead to a vari­ety of health issues, includ­ing decreased flex­i­bil­i­ty, poor bal­ance, and back, neck, and shoul­der pain. It can even affect your diges­tion and abil­i­ty to breathe. 

    At a chi­ro­prac­tor vis­it, your provider will use spinal manip­u­la­tion and exer­cis­es to improve your pos­ture. They’ll also help you adjust your pos­ture at home by iden­ti­fy­ing good pos­ture, find­ing sup­port­ive shoes, and using oth­er approach­es to keep your spine in prop­er alignment. 

    3. Chi­ro­prac­tors help you get bet­ter sleep. 

    Sleep is more than just a time for your body to rest. It’s also cru­cial for your health by improv­ing your mood, brain func­tion, and over­all well­ness. On the oth­er hand, lack of sleep increas­es your risk of dis­eases, includ­ing heart dis­ease, demen­tia, and obesity. 

    One com­mon cause of poor sleep is chron­ic pain. By realign­ing your spine, chi­ro­prac­tors can ease pres­sure and relieve pain. This helps you feel more relaxed when it’s time for bed, improv­ing your qual­i­ty of sleep. 

    4. Chi­ro­prac­tors treat your arthri­tis pain. 

    If you have arthri­tis, you know the pain that can result from this con­di­tion. Osteoarthri­tis — the most com­mon form of arthri­tis — can lead to neck and back pain that can severe­ly lim­it your abil­i­ty to go about your day. 

    Instead of head­ing straight to the med­i­cine cab­i­net, chi­ro­prac­tic care helps ease your arthri­tis-relat­ed aches and pains. They’ll adjust their approach to your needs and type of arthri­tis, using tech­niques such as spinal manip­u­la­tion, soft tis­sue ther­a­py, exer­cis­es, and stretching. 

    There are some rea­sons chi­ro­prac­tic care may not be the best approach for your arthri­tis pain, includ­ing if you have active inflam­ma­tion or a fused spine. 

    5. Chi­ro­prac­tors reduce preg­nan­cy pains. 

    Preg­nan­cy puts all kinds of stress on your body due to the weight of your baby, loos­er lig­a­ments from hor­mone fluc­tu­a­tions, and oth­er changes to accom­mo­date your grow­ing baby. As a result, you might expe­ri­ence aches and pains in your back, joints, and oth­er parts of your body. 

    Chi­ro­prac­tors address preg­nan­cy-relat­ed pains by realign­ing your spine and joints as well as reestab­lish­ing pelvic bal­ance. They can also help your baby get into the best pos­si­ble posi­tion before birth. 

    All chi­ro­prac­tors are trained to work with preg­nant patients. They’ll adapt their approach­es to avoid unnec­es­sary pres­sure on your abdomen, mak­ing the process safe while you’re pregnant. 

    Chi­ro­prac­tic Care for Improved Wellness 

    Your spine health is con­nect­ed to many oth­er aspects of your over­all health. Keep­ing your spine in align­ment helps you avoid pain, move freely, and low­er your chances of cer­tain health conditions. 

    Chi­ro­prac­tors are trained to address a range of issues with­out the need for oth­er inter­ven­tions, such as med­ica­tion or surgery. A healthy spine sup­ports a pain-free life now and in the future. 

    • Jana Alley, DC - Glen Ellyn Chiropractor Near Me

      I strive to provide conservative evidence-based chiropractic care to help patients get out of pain, reach their optimal health and improve their quality of life. It is important to me to build trust and a strong relationship with my patients as well as educate them not only about their condition but about wellness, a healthy lifestyle and preventive care. I use a combination of chiropractic manipulations, soft tissue therapy, therapeutic exercises and acupuncture to meet my patients' goals. Together we build the best individualized treatment plan. I also know the importance of coordinating patient care and working with other specialties to get the patient the best outcome.