Attaining the Perfect Pout

The Amer­i­can Soci­ety of Plas­tic Sur­geons (ASPS) reports that lip aug­men­ta­tions are up 43% in women since 2000, with fillers being the most pop­u­lar. Lip aug­men­ta­tion used to be a more drawn out process, but today with the advance­ment in fillers, you can enhance your look in mere min­utes. If you’ve been think­ing about per­fect­ing your pout but have been appre­hen­sive about lip fillers in the past, JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC might be right for you.

For Lips & Lines

You may be look­ing for a sub­tle lift, or a slight enhance­ment to give you a more youth­ful but nat­ur­al appear­ance. Ver­ti­cal lines appear as you age and add years to your look, they can occur from repeat sun expo­sure, being a smok­er, aging or repeat­ed mus­cle movements.

This new filler has been designed to add sub­tle vol­ume to lips, restore lost lip vol­ume and help bet­ter define lip bor­ders. JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC is known for its abil­i­ty to cre­ate soft, sub­tle results that feel and look natural.


JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC is a new FDA-approved filler proven to increase lip full­ness and soft­en the appear­ance of peri­o­ral lines. This injectable gel is made from mod­i­fied hyaluron­ic acid which is a nat­u­ral­ly occur­ring sug­ar found in the human body that is less dense and smoother than oth­er der­mal fillers. This min­i­mizes side effects such as bruis­ing and swelling and also allows the gel to spread more rapid­ly giv­ing you quick­er results. Results last for up to one year, which is longer than most oth­er lip fillers avail­able today. Since JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC is built on VYCROSS® tech­nol­o­gy (like VOLUMA®), risks for vis­i­ble lumps and bumps in fine areas are elim­i­nat­ed as well as greater lift capac­i­ty achieved. Gen­tly inject­ed using a fine nee­dle, JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC pro­vides instant results.

To learn more about JUVÉ­DERM VOL­BEL­LA® XC, or to sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call DMG Aes­thet­ics at 630−348−3000.

Health Topics:

  • As a nurse injector, Patti works closely with her patients and builds lifelong relationships. With over 20 years of experience using Botox and 25 years with various dermal fillers, she is extremely well-trained and experienced in the field of aesthetics. Patti takes a conservative approach with injections in order to provide a natural looking, artistic result for the patient. With her many years of experience, she is well-versed in what can be accomplished with injectable products and is very honest with her patients about their desired outcomes. Patti also has more than 30 years of experience assisting in the operating room for facial cosmetic surgeries, and is able to provide patients with a surgical referral, if needed.

    Patti stays up-to-date on the latest skills, products and procedures being used in aesthetics today. In addition, Patti incorporates other skin care treatments for patients such as chemical peels and medical-grade, at-home skin care products that can help her patients meet their aesthetic goals.