Breastfeeding: What Every Mother (and Partner) Should Know

How­ev­er you choose to feed your baby, mak­ing sure your lit­tle one is receiv­ing the prop­er nutri­tion can be a hard, chal­leng­ing, yet reward­ing jour­ney. The num­ber one thing new moms need when they choose to breast­feed is sup­port — from their part­ner, fam­i­ly, friends and experts like their pedi­a­tri­cian and lac­ta­tion con­sul­tants. Across 108 coun­tries there are approx­i­mate­ly 30,000 Inter­na­tion­al Board Cer­ti­fied Lac­ta­tion Con­sul­tants avail­able to moth­ers, pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty lac­ta­tion and breast­feed­ing care. At DuPage Med­ical Group, we are lucky to have two expert lac­ta­tion con­sul­tants’ on-staff, pro­vid­ing com­pas­sion­ate and com­pre­hen­sive sup­port to moth­ers and their babies. 

Togeth­er, Car­ol Cham­blin, DNP, APN, RN, IBCLC and Karen Man­ning, APN, IBCLC bring the high­est lev­el of lac­ta­tion and nurs­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, edu­ca­tion and life expe­ri­ence to sup­port­ing women and babies in their breast­feed­ing jour­neys. There are sev­er­al things women (and their sup­port sys­tem) should know about breast­feed­ing. Car­ol and Karen have com­piled details on the most com­mon ques­tions and most impor­tant things a soon-to-be or new mom should know in this all-encom­pass­ing infographic. 

Car­ol and Karen, our Inter­na­tion­al Board of Lac­ta­tion Con­sul­tant cer­ti­fied prac­ti­tion­ers, are avail­able to assist you and your baby in your feed­ing plan. Click here to learn more about our lac­ta­tion con­sul­ta­tion services. 

  • Karen Manning, APN - Naperville Lactation Consultant

    Delivering compassionate high quality care to assist families as they transition through the different stages of growth and development. Partnering with patients and families to aid them through illness and injuries. Guiding and supporting mothers during breastfeeding.