Did You Know? Top Skin Facts You Always Wondered About

Your skin is one of the most impor­tant (and largest) organs in your body. Just like your heart, eyes, or kid­neys, it’s impor­tant to treat your skin well. Below are a few facts about your skin to help jump start your healthy skin lifestyle.

• Accord­ing to Skin and Aller­gy News, about half of all skin can­cers iden­ti­fied were found by chance and were not the rea­son the patient came to the dermatologist.

•More than 90 per­cent of the vis­i­ble changes com­mon­ly attrib­uted to skin aging are caused by the sun.

• 0.6% of all can­cers in the U.S are found on the lips; men are espe­cial­ly at risk.

• Young women are being hit the hard­est by increas­ing melanoma cas­es. The spike is being attrib­uted to the increas­ing use of indoor tan­ning beds. 

• Accord­ing to researchers at Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tals Case Med­ical Cen­ter in Cleve­land, a clin­i­cal tri­al indi­cates that sleep depri­va­tion can increase the signs of aging in the skin and decrease the skin’s abil­i­ty to recov­er after sun exposure.

• Acne vul­garis is the most com­mon skin dis­ease in the Unit­ed States.

• Tat­toos can make skin can­cer dif­fi­cult to detect.

• Accord­ing to the Skin Can­cer Foun­da­tion, a white T‑shirt has an SPF of about 7, but once it gets wet, the SPF drops down to about 3. There­fore, sun­screen should be applied under the T‑shirt.

• As fea­tured in Der­ma­tol­ogy Times, the eas­i­est way to test if a fab­ric can pro­tect your skin is to hold it up to the light. If you can see through it, then UV radi­a­tion can pen­e­trate it.

• Basal Cell Car­ci­no­ma (BCC) (skin can­cer) is the most com­mon can­cer in Cau­casians, His­pan­ics, Chi­nese, and Japanese.

•Squa­mous Cell Car­ci­no­ma (SCC) (skin can­cer) is the most com­mon skin can­cer among African Amer­i­cans and Asian Indians.

•Reg­u­lar dai­ly use of an SPF 15 or high­er sun­screen reduces the risk of devel­op­ing squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma by 40 per­cent and the risk of devel­op­ing melanoma by 50 percent.

•Dai­ly sun­screen use by adults under age 55 can reduce skin aging.

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