Effortless Steps To Younger Looking Eyes

Your eyes are often the first place signs of aging show up, but these strate­gies will smooth, bright­en, and reduce puffiness. 

Use an eye cream. Eye creams are oph­thal­mol­o­gist test­ed so they are for­mu­lat­ed specif­i­cal­ly for the thin, del­i­cate skin sur­round­ing your eyes. Use a for­mu­la that con­tains retinol or pep­tides, which kick start col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and can reduce the appear­ance of lines, thick­en the skin to dimin­ish the look of dark cir­cles and firm the skin to reduce puffi­ness. Antiox­i­dants like vit­a­min E or C are also ben­e­fi­cial to block free-rad­i­cal dam­age from the sun and pol­lu­tion which caus­es wrin­kles and dark circles. 

Apply the right amount. Eye creams con­tain high con­cen­tra­tions of rich mois­tur­iz­ers, so if you slather them on, all the extra emol­lients can actu­al­ly make the puffi­ness worse. Use a pea-sized drop for each eye and light­ly pat it on with your ring finger. 

Don’t skimp on SPF. Many women skip sun­screen around their eyes because it can migrate into the eyes and sting. If you apply it 30 min­utes before you leave the house, it will get ful­ly absorbed so even if you sweat or tear up from the wind it won’t move. Then slip on some shades which act as extra armor against UV dam­age. Make sure the label pro­tects against both UVA/UVB rays! 

Nev­er rub or scrub. Treat the ten­der skin around your eyes as you would your most expen­sive gar­ments- when cleans­ing; think del­i­cate cycle”. Take off make­up with an oil-based remover that dis­solves col­or with­out rub­bing and don’t scrub with a wash­cloth. The same goes for rub­bing your eyes when you’re tired. This can aggra­vate your skin’s cap­il­lar­ies and can lead to dark cir­cles or make exist­ing ones worse.

Get your eyes checked. Fine lines around your eyes can be made worse with vision prob­lems that cause you to squint. Cor­rect your vision with con­tacts or glass­es. Then, once you stop all that squint­ing, you can keep the wrin­kles from get­ting worse. 

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