Hydrafacial® or Dermalinfusion®

Which to choose from an Estheti­cian’s POV

Your skin is one of your most impor­tant organs, and it’s up to you to take care of it. As the sea­sons change and we expose our skin to a vari­ety of cli­mates, activ­i­ties and skin-care reg­i­mens, it’s impor­tant to keep one thing con­sis­tent: hydra­tion. Keep­ing your skin well-hydrat­ed is nec­es­sary to a youth­ful appear­ance, mak­ing your skin more plump and resilient, improv­ing elas­tic­i­ty and com­bat­ting unde­sir­able oils. While drink­ing water and mois­tur­iz­ing your face are essen­tial day-to-day tasks, there are a vari­ety of treat­ments offered to restore your skin’s health and hydration.

At Duly Aes­thet­ics, we offer the HydraFa­cial® and Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® to pro­vide you with the soft, fresh and youth­ful skin you deserve.


By remov­ing dead skin cells and infus­ing your skin with hydrat­ing and mois­tur­iz­ing serums, the HydraFa­cial® dif­fer­en­ti­ates itself from oth­er avail­able skin-resur­fac­ing pro­ce­dures. HydraFa­cials® are done in-office, at our spa, and take about 20 – 30 min­utes to com­plete. The HydraFa­cial® uti­lizes a non-inva­sive machine, equipped with a hand­held wand with var­i­ous tips to treat your skin in four sim­ple steps.

Appro­pri­ate for all skin types, the HydraFa­cial® com­bines cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tion and infu­sion to leave your skin clean, hydrat­ed and glow­ing. In addi­tion to cleans­ing and hydrat­ing your skin, the HydraFa­cial® is ben­e­fi­cial for dimin­ish­ing the appear­ance of fine lines and wrin­kles, unclog­ging pores and reduc­ing acne outbreaks.


Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® is a non-inva­sive, skin-resur­fac­ing treat­ment that com­bines exfo­li­a­tion with serum infu­sion to address patient-spe­cif­ic skin con­di­tions and needs. Sim­i­lar to HydraFa­cials®, Der­ma­l­in­fu­sions® are done in-office and take about 30 min­utes to complete.

Deliv­er­ing instant results, Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® uses a closed-looped vac­u­um sys­tem to infuse your skin with hydrat­ing serums at the moment of exfo­li­a­tion to improve the appear­ance, func­tion and over­all health of your skin. In addi­tion to treat­ing your skin at opti­mal skin depths, Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® treats skin con­di­tions such as hyper­pig­men­ta­tion, acne, pho­to dam­age, dehy­dra­tion and fine lines and wrin­kles. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can request anti-aging, hydrat­ing, bright­en­ing and clar­i­fy­ing serums to be per­formed on the face and body.


While both treat­ments offer the same qual­i­ty and ben­e­fits of cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tion and infu­sion, choos­ing between the two will depend on your per­son­al skin-care needs.

The HydraFa­cial® func­tions more as a one-size-fits-all treat­ment and is best suit­ed for those in need of a gen­tle, mois­tur­iz­ing facial.

For those search­ing for a hydrat­ing treat­ment that can be cus­tomized to treat more spe­cif­ic skin con­di­tions or needs, the Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® may be the bet­ter option.

If you are hav­ing trou­ble decid­ing between the two treat­ments, our estheti­cians can help deter­mine which ser­vice is right for your skin.


Whether you choose the HydraFa­cial® or the Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® to cater to your skin-care needs, our estheti­cians know the impor­tance of hydra­tion when it comes to your skin’s health. To help you choose the treat­ment that is right for your skin, our trust­ed estheti­cians share their advice and expertise.

Licensed estheti­cian, Michelle Testen, from Belleza in Wheaton, explains, The Hydrafa­cial simul­ta­ne­ous­ly com­bines cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tion, hydra­tion and antiox­i­dant pro­tec­tion, result­ing in clear­er, more beau­ti­ful skin with no dis­com­fort or down­time. The treat­ment is sooth­ing, mois­tur­iz­ing and non-irritating.”

Licensed estheti­cian, Melis­sa Louns­bury, from Belleza in Naperville, tells patients, Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion is a must-do treat­ment if you are con­cerned with clogged pores, rough tex­ture to skin and over­all dull­ness. This treat­ment will give you that instant glow and leave your skin feel­ing like it can breath again!”

When your skin is prop­er­ly hydrat­ed, it looks, feels and func­tions as it should. Treat­ments such as the HydraFa­cial® and Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® make achiev­ing hydrat­ed skin a real­i­ty, pro­vid­ing your skin with what it needs to stay clean, healthy and vibrant.

Learn more about our Hydrafa­cial® and Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion® treat­ments or sched­ule a com­pli­men­ta­ry con­sul­ta­tion with one of our estheti­cians today.

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