One & Done: The Profound® Treatment

As an alter­na­tive to plas­tic surgery, the Pro­found® sys­tem is an FDA-approved treat­ment used to reduce wrin­kles and the appear­ance of cel­lulite on the face and body. With a patent­ed tech­nol­o­gy that induces the body’s nat­ur­al heal­ing process to regen­er­ate skin fun­da­men­tals, the Pro­found® sys­tem cre­ates younger and smoother look­ing skin after just one treatment.

The Sci­ence

The three most impor­tant skin fun­da­men­tals for the heal­ing process are elastin, col­la­gen and hyaluron­ic acid.

Elastin is a high­ly elas­tic pro­tein that helps the skin return back to nor­mal after stretch­ing from pokes, pinch­es, scratch­es, etc.

Col­la­gen, sim­i­lar to elastin, helps sup­port the struc­ture of your skin by assist­ing strength and dura­bil­i­ty, which can reduce wrin­kles and improve your complexion.

Hyaluron­ic acid is a pro­tein in your skin that binds to water, help­ing to keep your skin moist, durable and youthful.

In one pow­er­ful treat­ment, the Pro­found® sys­tem ignites cell turnover in all three pro­teins to reduce wrin­kles and the appear­ance of cellulite.

Clin­i­cal­ly proven

In a recent study, the Pro­found® sys­tem was ana­lyzed for the treat­ment of mild to severe facial wrin­kles in one hun­dred patients. At six months post-treat­ment, eval­u­a­tions received a 100 per­cent response rate for the reduc­tion of facial wrin­kles.[1]

In a sep­a­rate study, patients were ana­lyzed for the treat­ment of cel­lulite in the thigh region. At three months post-treat­ment, eval­u­a­tions received a 94 per­cent response rate for reduced cel­lulite sever­i­ty in the treat­ed thigh region.[2]

What should I expect from my Pro­found® treat­ment?

Dur­ing your con­sul­ta­tion, your physi­cian will deter­mine your goals and estab­lish the tar­get area for treat­ment. On the day of your treat­ment, your physi­cian will admin­is­ter treat­ment with the Pro­found® sys­tem, which will deliv­er puls­es of ener­gy to the tar­get­ed areas. A local anes­thet­ic may be applied to help man­age your comfort.

Post-treat­ment, your physi­cian will dis­cuss an indi­vid­ual care plan. Most patients can return to nor­mal activ­i­ties with­in 24 hours after treatment.

The Pro­found® sys­tem is clin­i­cal­ly proven to show results fol­low­ing one non-sur­gi­cal treat­ment. One Pro­found® treat­ment is all it takes to help you delay the signs of aging.

Learn more about our physi­cians and loca­tions that offer the Pro­found® treat­ment, or sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion today online.

[1] Alex­i­ades M, et al. Arch Der­ma­tol­ogy. 2010 Apr;146(4):396 – 405

[2] Mul­ti­cen­ter clin­i­cal study to eval­u­ate the per­for­mance of the Pro­found Sys­tem for the treat­ment of cel­lulite. 2016.

Health Topics:

  • Early in my training at the Mayo Clinic I was taught that the interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered. With that as my guiding principle, I strive to create a warm and trusting relationship with my patients so they may feel at ease discussing their skin care issues with me. I believe strongly in educating patients on how best they can be in control of their own outcomes; they are the ones who live day to day in their own skin and I need them to help with their care plan! Lastly, I try to administer a healthy dose of laughter with each prescription or procedure as I've found this helps my patients get better more quickly.