Oxygenetix- The Post Procedure Conceal and Heal Makeup

In this day and age, many peo­ple want to have aes­thet­ic treat­ments such as a laser, injec­tions, or chem­i­cal peels dur­ing their lunch break and have their work” go unno­ticed by oth­ers. For the most part, many pro­ce­dures can be per­formed with lit­tle or no down­time. But some aes­thet­ic treat­ments such as lasers may require some down time due to your post-treat­ment appearance.

Var­i­ous skin con­di­tions can be treat­ed through the use of a laser including:

  • Hyper­pig­men­ta­tion
  • Acne scars
  • Rosacea
  • Telang­iec­ta­sia
  • Sun dam­age
  • Fine lines
  • Wrin­kles

Depend­ing on the type of laser or pro­ce­dure, your skin may be left some­what red or bruised any­where between a few hours to a few days. To help hide your post pro­ce­dure appear­ance, we now have a post laser con­ceal and heal make­up called Oxygenetix.

All About Oxygenetix

Oxy­genetix is made with Cer­av­i­tae and con­sists of a breath­able oxy­gen enriched foun­da­tion that speeds up skin cell pro­duc­tion, clears up skin con­di­tions and helps to min­i­mize scar­ring. Oxy­gen is crit­i­cal for healthy vibrant skin and Oxy­genetix allows oxy­gen uptake for greater heal­ing. Aloe Vera is uti­lized instead of a water base to aid in skin resur­fac­ing by slough­ing off dead skin. In addi­tion, Oxy­genetix offers phys­i­cal UVA/UVB sun­screen which is vital in all post procedures. 

Most peo­ple can apply the make­up post laser or post pro­ce­dure and con­tin­ue reap­ply­ing it on a dai­ly basis. The foun­da­tion is resis­tant and it will not come off on cloth­ing or in water.

Many of our patients have incor­po­rat­ed Oxy­genetix make­up into their every­day rou­tine, even when not recov­er­ing from a pro­ce­dure. This foun­da­tion works to cam­ou­flage red­ness, inci­sions and even scars. Those with rosacea or acne will also ben­e­fit. Oxy­genetix may be used after a rhino­plas­ty, facial surgery bruis­ing, scar revi­sion, CO2 laser skin resur­fac­ing, injecta­bles, eye­lid surgery, der­mabra­sion and chem­i­cal peels. Oxy­genetix pro­vides relief and helps patient look and feel bet­ter pri­or to leav­ing the office.

This make­up is per­fect for sen­si­tive and wound­ed skin as it pro­vides patients with beau­ti­ful, nat­ur­al, and com­plete cov­er­age either post pro­ce­dure or just for every­day wear. 

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